Chapter 27

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It is now my sixth month, and trying to stay hidden is not easy. The Team Magma gang is all over the news, they're still hunting me. fighting them would be a breeze if they were out hunting for the Legendary Pokemon. But this is yet beyond anything I have seen here in the world of pokemon. Nema, Mavis, and Alice were always training all day with out a break. Scarlet was still knocked out from the attack two months ago. Me, Lance, or any of the Elite Four members would take turns watching her, hoping that she would wake up soon. I can't believe I was so weak during the attack, I can't even bare the humiliation if my home Kingdom finds out. It's not a really good reputation for a whole Kingdom to hear that their queen and knights have been defeated in a battle like that. I have been thinking of something for a while, but I'm not sure if I should go through with it...... It could be risky......

Karen: Jenni?

I woke up from my deep thoughts and looked at the door.

Me: In here.

Karen walked in with a batch of chocolate cookies freshly made. She smiled and put the plate in front of me.

Karen: Is she okay?

She looked over at Scar with concern, I took a cookie and nibbled at it.

Me: So far,

Karen: Is she gonna wake up soon?

Me: Hopefully.

Karen: Yeah, you can go if you want. I'll take watch.

Me: Okay.

I got up still eating the cookie and walked out to the terrace. It was hot and muggy, there was no breeze to be found. I sat on a chair and rubbed my stomach. The baby started kicking.


I heard fast running from down the hall come up the stairs. Lance came out onto the terrace and hugged me.

Lance: What's wrong?

I smiled and put his hands on my stomach. He looked confused at first, but when the baby started to kick he smiled to.

Lance: Wow.

Me: Yeah.

He pulled up a chair and sat down next to me. He wiped sweat off his forehead and noticed me thinking about something.

Lance: What's wrong?

Me: I'm just thinking.

Lance: About?

Me: I can't tell you yet.

Lance: Why?

Me: I just can't right now.

Lance: Oh alright.

Hmmm........ If Team Magma is after me, Team Aqua would be after me as well. This is considering the fact if they found out about all the power my wings hold. And Magma does have connections that I don't know about....... Maybe I should make that call? 

Me: I'll be back.

I got up and walked away to my room and locked the door. I picked up the phone and dialed a phone number to a person I haven't talked to in a long time.

Me: Um.... hello? Listen, I know it's been a while, but I need a favor.

A few hours later.....

I sat outside while my sisters trained. I kept my phone next to me and checked the time every five seconds waiting.

Nema: What's up?

Me: Waiting.

Alice: For?

Julia: For us!

We all looked over to the house entrance to see a group of some of my older sisters smiling. It was  the oldest Hannah, second oldest Diana, third oldest Jessica, fourth oldest Princess, fifth oldest Ally, sixth oldest Monica, and one of the youngest Julia.

Mavis: Oh shit!

We all ran towards our sisters and hugged them, I was so relieved to see them all. I'm so glad they came.

Me: Lance!

He came running out and saw all of my sisters, he stood close to me.

Lance: Who are-?

Me: These are a little portion of my family. This is Hannah, Diana, Jessica, Princess, Ally, Monica, and Julia.

Lance: Um.... hi.

Julia: Hello.

Alice: Why are you here?

Ally: We got a call from Jenni stating that you all needed help.

Nema: Yes we do.

Informing them of the situation, they all got serious quick. Messing with our wings is more serious than any human may think.

Monica: Those dirty thugs! When do we go after them?!

Me: When my baby is born.

Jessica: Awww, why can't we go now?

Julia: Look you dummy!

She looked at my stomach and she suddenly got the picture.

Jessica: Oh.

Hannah: So how can we help?

Me: The squad here have been training, I need ya to train with them, Julia come upstairs with me.

Julia: Okay.

We walked upstairs into Scar's room where Karen was still sitting. After a brief introduction to one another, Julia studied Scar.

Me: Well?

Julia: She is in back condition, it might take a little while more.

Me: How much more?

Julia: Hmmmm........ I say a another week or so.

Me: Good.

I hope she wakes up soon. Scarlet has a very special power that can revive the dead. Hopefully she will be okay when she wakes up.

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