Chapter 31

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Me: Aim for the target! Don't let the bulls eye out of your sight!

Julia aimed the arrow at a board in the shape of a Magma grunt, then let go hitting it in the middle. She smiled pleased and looked back at me.

Me: Perfection as always!

Julia: Thank you sister.

She took off as my new born started to cry. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms rocking her back and forth, it quiet her down a little bit, she was still whimpering.

Me: It's okay sweetie, mommy's here for you.

I sat on a rocking chair and swung gently back and forth cuddling her close to me. She looked at me with familiar eye, she had developed similar features like her daddy. I picked up a pacifier and put it in her mouth. Her whimpering stopped and she sucked on it, I smiled and traced her tiny wings.

Me: You look just like your daddy.

Lance: She looks like you too.

Familiar arms went around me and held me tight, Lance smiled and kissed me on the forehead. I handed him the baby, and he took her with caution. I leaned back in the chair still rocking it back and forth.

Lance: Still thinking about that mission?

Me: Of course, it's been on my mind for nine months.

Lance: When are you going?

Me: Well, the best thing is to ambush them tonight.

Lance: Tonight?! Why?

Me: It's best that we all take them by surprise when they least expect it. Diana already located their hideout.

Lance: O-oh....

We both looked at Lancuetta who was gripping Lance's cape collar. She looked up at him with big blue sparkling eyes. Lance stroked her hair softly earning a coo out of her. I smiled and got out of the chair to hug my two babies.

Me: I love you.

Lance: I love you too.

Me: You're still worrying about me, aren't you?

Lance: I always worry about you love.

A breeze blew through us making our baby shiver and whine softly, we both took her inside and put her down for a nap in the cradle next to our bed.

Me: It'll be okay hon, everything will work out just fine.

Lance: I sure hope you're right.

Me: Yeah. For now, let's just relax until the time comes.

Lance: Alright Jenni.

Late at Night.......

3:00 AM

Location: Lily Cove, off the coast

Operation: Put out the flame

Me and my sister's along with Lance hid in the bushes looking around for team Magma grunts. No body seemed to be around.

Hannah: The coast is clear.

Me: You all ready?

Everyone nodded their heads, Nema and Mavis were getting excited.

Lance: What happens if one of us gets caught?

All eyes went on me as I just stared at Lance, I got serious and made everyone get the message.

Me: Don't.

Diana: Jenny, they're all sleeping, now's our chance.

Me: Okay, let's move!

 We all ran out of our hiding places and charged straight into their hideout with stealth so we couldn't be heard. I can't wait to smash some skulls open again!

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