Chapter 36

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2 Years Later....

Lancuetta: When is daddy going to get home mommy?

Me: Soon sweetie, just wait a little longer.

My child rolled around the floor and bumped into the couch.

Lancuetta: Ouch!

Me: Well that's what you get for rolling around like that, now get up and eat your dinner.

Lancuetta: Yes mommy.

She got up and ran over to the table and began to eat, I went into the hallways and sighed frustrated holding my head. He always does this, he's always home late and never keeps his promises. He's probably out with his friends drinking again.

Lancuetta: Mommy are you okay?

Me: Yes sweetie, don't worry about me and eat!

Lancuetta: Okie dokie!

I went up stairs and picked up my phone dialing Lance's number. The phone rang three times and picked up the forth. 

Lance: Hey babe.

Me: Don't you "hey babe" me! Where are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago!

Lance: I know, I know. I'm just uhhh..... busy at work.

There was loud music in the back ground and the sound of glass shattering, my blood started to boil.

Me: Yeah, that sure sounds like work alright.

Lance: What's your problem?

Me: You are my problem! You're always doing this Lance, and I'm starting to get sick of it!

Lance: Oh please, you're so over dramatic.

I took a deep breath and tried not to raise my voice.

Me: Lance, come home!

Lance: You can't tell me what to do, I'll come home when ever I please!

Me: Ugh, listen you dumb ass! Remember that you have a daughter!

Lance: Oh I remember, listen-

Girl: Hey sweetie.~

I slowly looked at my phone, I could feel the rush of anger inside of me as my voice began to raise with each word.

Me: Who is that girl?!!

Lance: She's uhhh, my friend.


Lance: Would you stop telling me what to do?!

Me: Listen Lance it's either you come home, or I go there and I drag you out by your hair!

Lance: You're such a control freak, why can't you let me be?!!

Me: I'll let you be when-

Girl: Lance sweetie come on!


I threw my phone at the wall and walked down stairs putting on my coat.

Me: Sweetie, I'm going out to get daddy! I'll be back soon!

Lancuetta: Okay, I hope daddy is fine.

I walked out the door and locked it tightly muttering to myself.

Me: He ain't gonna be fine when I get a hold of him.

I opened my wings before taking off at inhuman speed, I landed in front of a bar. I sensed Lance in there, he must be in the far back. I walked in and pushed past a lot of drunk people, it took a few minutes but I finally found him. He was in the back of the bar with a girl trying to get all up on him, he tried to push her off. I growled and my wings flapped violently as I went behind her and knocked her out cold. Lance looked at me and rolled his eyes.

Vampdragums- Life of a Dragon EmpressOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz