Chapter 21

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Oh man, I feel so awful! Ever since I got home, I've been feeling so sick. My sister's are starting to see through my lies of, "I'm okay". Thankfully I had a reason to shrug them off because I had to call Lance. It took him a while to answer the phone.

Lance: Hello?

Me: Hey babe, it's me. 

Lance: Jenni, are you okay? Did they hurt you?

Me: Yeah, relax. Team Rocket is done for........ literally. 

Lance: That's great Jen!

Me: I know, so any ways how is it over by your side?

Lance: Eh.......... I'll tell you when I come over.

Me: Okay, see you later.

Lance: Okay, love you.

Me: Love you too, bye.

I hung up the phone and leaned against the wall of my room, I looked around and noticed that it was shiny clean. Not an inch of dust was anywhere, it was probably Nema. I gotta thank her later on. I started to walk over to my bed when my stomach lurched, I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. Nema poked her head through the door way.

Nema: Are you okay?

Me: I........... no.

Nema: Yeah, that's what I thought.

She picked my up and carried me into her room. It was just a person's average bedroom. Windows, a bed, closet, dresser, Nema opened a small hole in her wall and pressed it. The room literally turned into one of those doctor office's in the hospital. Literally! There was a hospital bed, a doctor's desk and work supplies, and a computer that had very important information about illnesses. 

Me: Wow Nema, this is impressive.

Nema: Thank you, I try.

Me: I can tell.

Nema: Yeah, now let's see what's wrong with you.

I sat on a soft chair while she put on gloves and grabbed a clip board.

Nema: So what have you been feeling lately?

Me: Well........ remember when I ate that whole stack of pancakes, doritos, and mountain dew?

Nema: Ahhhh yes, how can I forget?

She smirked and stared at me trying not to laugh, she wrote it down on the clip board.

Me: F you Nema.

Nema: F is for friends who stick all together!


We both cracked up laughing, damn it's been years since I watched spongebob. I loved that show growing up.

Nema: Okay, now back to this, anything else?

Me: Well I do feel like I'm getting a fever...

Nema: Okay, I'm gonna have to do a test on you.

Me: Okay.

She got up and flipped another switch, and this big machine came out from the floor. I just stared at the machine, then Nema. How many secret devices does she have in this room?

Nema: Okay, I need you to lay down on this machine so I can identify the problem.

Me: Um...... is this machine really necessary?

Nema: Jennifer, do I tell you how to do your job as Empress?

Me: No b-

Nema: That's right, I don't. So get in the machine.

Me: I........ okay!

Later On......

It was almost past nine at night. I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling in shock, I got the test results back from Nema. I am sick, but there's more to it. How am I gonna tell Lance about this? I pressed a pillow over my head and groaned  clenching my stomach. There was a soft knock at my door.

Lance: Jenni?

Me: Uh, yeah give me a minute!

I bolted up quick and fixed my sick looking appearance the best I could. My stomach was hurting so bad, but I shrugged it off. I got up from my bed and opened the door smiling.

Me: Hey Lance.

Lance: Hey.

He wrapped his arms around me and planted a kiss on my lips and forehead.

Me: So, how did it go?

Lance: The trainers there was tough, but I thought about you and I beat them all.

Me: Aw, you're so sweet!

Lance: Not as sweet as you.

We sat down on my bed and he wouldn't let go of me. He wrapped his cape around us like always and cuddled me.

Lance: I missed you.

Me: I missed you too.

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. How do I tell him?

Lance: You okay?

Me: Y-yes...... But I have something to tell you.....

Lance: What is it?

Me: I-I'm not sure how you're going to take it.

Lance: Rip it off like the band aid.

Me: You sure?

Lance: Yes.

Me: Okay but you asked for it.

I sat up straight and looked him in his eyes, he got serious quick.

Me: Lance, I'm pregnant.

Lance: Ummm......... w-what?

Me: You are going to be a father.

He turned pale and gulped, I looked down to the floor not knowing what to do.

Lance: You're carrying my child?

Me: Yes.

He took a few moments to process what I was saying, then he calmed down, smiled, and hugged me even tighter.

Lance: This is amazing.

Me: Really?

Lance: Yes, part of me is happy, but the other part is scared. But I'm happy I'm going to be a father, as long as you're my babys mother.

Me: Marriage and a baby....

Lance: I couldn't be happier.

Me: Yeah.

He yawned and rested his head on my lap smiling. I laid down as well tired, between the mission and being sick all day long, I'm exhausted.

Me: Spending the night?

Lance: Yes.

Me: Alright.

We snuggled up into bed and fell asleep. We're gonna have a baby....... I always wondered what that would be like.

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