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How would you feel if you suddenly woke up and you were floating in mid air? Or you got so angry that you cracked the earth with just a glare? Or maybe you were out having a lovely swim when you realised you weren't getting drenched and that you could breath underwater? Or maybe you burned down the kitchen while trying to make pancakes? Ok that last one sounded normal, I mean I've almost done that once. But imagine your surprise if the fire actually jumped into your hand and you got so freaked out that you threw it at the wall. Well, this has happened to four teenagers, and from then on, their world was turned upside down. I mean, who actually believes in magic? It's cool and everything, but you know it's not real. Well, this is as real as it gets for these four very surprised teens. And you know what's worse? Just it yet? No? Well, I'll tell you. There's a fifth element. One that's not meant to exist. Their's Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Light to guide them, but there was never supposed to be Darkness. I guess you could say he was kind of.......I don't know........someone who doesn't fit in. He tried to, but it wouldn't work. He tried to be good, but it just wasn't in his blood. The others dissed him, saying that he shouldn't have been born. Yeah sounds harsh, but its true, in a way. And now he's back for revenge.

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