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A/N - They're a music group. They aren't super famous, but I love their music. I got to see them at the MC Magic concert I took my mumzie to for Mother's day, last night. We weren't expecting them to show up. They are all very good lookin' and well SC(my fave) gave me three hugs, last night. It was like heaven. I was almost in tears. Next chapter will be their songs. ❤ Y'all should check them out. Pick above is S.C. with T.s. in the background.😂😜💯

Picture: [T.s. , S.C. , Javi C.]

Dean Ambrose-Javi C

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Dean Ambrose-
Javi C.

Seth Rollins-

Brock Lesnar-

Randy Orton-

Xavier Woods-
Javi C.

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