Chapter 5

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I wake up to the thought of Jacob being in my head. I text him. "Good morning Jacob" i text him. "Good morning babe" he responded. I get out of bed and get changed. I go downstairs to eat breakfast. I think I'll go to the park today. "What are you gonna do today?" Jacob texted me. "Um I think I'm gonna go to the park today" I replied. I'm wear a Black long sleeve shirt, high waisted shorts, and my white converse. I'm now walking to the park which is pretty close to my house. I'm at the park now. I sit on the bench and go on my phone. Im still on my phone until I feel someone taping me on my shoulder. It's probably just Jacob. I look up and it's not Jacob it's a boy that looks around my age. "Hi I'm Liam" he said. "I'm Ariana" I said awkwardly. "I just wanted to say you're really beautiful" he said. "Um thanks" I said. He's kinda cute. STOP ARIANA YOU HAVE JACOB! "Um you can sit down if you want" I say while pointing to the spot next me on the bench. He sat down. "So do you live around here?" He asked. "Yea I live really close actually. Do you live near here" I asked. "I actually live really far away. I'm just waiting for a friend right now. He should be here in 15 minutes" he said. "Oh ok" I said. "So why are you here?" He questions. "Oh I'm just here I just felt like getting some fresh air" i explained. "Oh...what school do you go to?" He asked. "Um I haven't started school yet because I just moved here. But I start tomorrow" I said. "Oh well I hope you go to the same school as me" he said blushing. "Did I really say that out loud?" He said. "Um yea" I said laughing. Liam and I were having a good conversation until...Jacob walked in. "Oh hey ari. Who is this?" He asked. "Oh um this is Liam" I said. Oh no Jacob! I hope he doesn't think I was cheating on him. "Oh hi Liam!" Jacob said. I can tell Jacob was jealous. "Hi...Jacob" Liam said. "" He said. "What?" I asked. "Um if you want I can give you my number so we can talk later" he said with a warming smile. "Ah sure" I said smiling back. Jacob rolled his eyes at us. "I should get going now. Bye" Liam said. "Bye" I said. As Liam left Jacob turned to me. "Ariana who is that?!?" He asked. "I all really told you Jacob it's Liam" I explained. "Is he a friend?" He asked. "Kinda. I mean we just met right now" I said. "Oh ok" he said. "Don't worry Jacob. You don't have to get jealous" I said. "I know I just don't wanna lose you" he said. "Jacob you need to trust me. I won't cheat on you. Ok?" I said yelling at him. I feel like he doesn't trust me. I then walk home which soon turned into running. "Ariana come back..." He said yelling at me back. I just kept running and running until I was home. I can't believe he doesn't trust me. As I get home I lock the door at head to my room. I look out the window and Jacob is standing outside of my house. I close the window and lay on my bed. I'm kinda mad at him right now so I'm just gonna go take a nap to get things off my mind...

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