Chapter 3

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Ariana's POV
I wake up and check my phone. Jacob had texted me. "Good morning beautiful" I responded back "hey Jacob". I then get out of my bed and brush my teeth and get changed. I'm wearing a white shirt,leggings,and my black vans. I got another text from Jacob.

(Jacob-J) (Ariana-A)
J-hey Ariana do you wanna come to my house later?
A-sure, what time should I come?
J-um maybe around 7

So I guess I'm going to Jacobs house today. I go downstairs and eat breakfast. After I'm done eating breakfast I go on my to the living room watch tv. After watching tv I go to my room. I then sit on my bed and watch some YouTube on my phone. Time passes by and its 6:39. Wow time passed by really fast. I get out of bed and put my shoes on. I walk downstairs and I sit at the kitchen table and go my Instagram. It's now 6:52. I should start walking to Jacobs house. I walk to Jacobs house and and knock on the door. Jacob opens the door. "Hi Jacob" I say with a smile. "Hey Ariana" he said. I walk into his house and Jacob and I go to his room. "So wanna watch a movie?" He asked with a smirk. "Yea!" I say. We then sit on his bed and turn on his tv. "What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked. "Um...anything you want" I say with a smile. Jacob puts on a movie. We then watch it. We cuddled through out the whole movie which I enjoyed. I think I'm starting to have feelings for Jacob. I wonder if he has feelings for me.

Jacob's POV
Ariana came to my house. She looks beautiful like always. We both decided to watch a movie in my room. Once the movie started we both cuddled together. I really like her I just don't know how to tell her. I hope she has feelings for me. While we are still cuddling I decided to hold her hand. As soon as I held her hand she held mine to. She then looks at me and smiles. I smile back. The movie finished and it's now 9:03. We decided to watch some tv. I really have feelings for Ariana. I leaned in for a kiss. Ariana kisses back. "I love you" I said with a smirk. "I love you to Jacob" she said. She loves me!!! It felt good to finally kiss her. After we're done kissing she blushes.

Ariana's POV
Jacob and I kissed. I blushed after the kiss. "I love you" he said with a smirk. "I love you to Jacob" I said with a smile. Jacob loves me! I look at Jacob and he smiles and me, I smile back. It's getting really late. I'm kinda tired so I laid my head on Jacobs chest. He then puts his arm around me.

Jacob's POV
Ariana laid her head on my chest and fell asleep. She looks so cute when she's sleeping. I then lay her on my bed till she's flat. I then put a blanket on her. I lay down next to her. "Good nite ari" I whispered. She woke up. "Nite Jacob" she said half asleep. I put my arms around Ariana's waist and hold her close to me. She smiles and then goes back to sleep.

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