A New Liver

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"A new liver?" Killian repeats. Dr. Whale nods his head yes.

"I'm afraid it's your only option," Whale adds. Emma reaches out, and gently grabs Killian's right hand.


Killian has been in the Storybrooke hospital for the past couple days. He collapsed in pain, and Emma had to drag him in to have him admitted. Killian, not wanting Emma to worry, tried to conceal his pain for days but eventually the pain overcame him, and he collapsed. Even being that weak he tried to fight going to the hospital, but Emma didn't put up with that.


"So how do you fix a broken liver?" Killian asks knowing nothing about modern medicine.

"A liver doesn't break, its fails," Emma corrects.

"There isn't a treatment, you need a transplant" Whale tells them.

"A transplant?" Killian repeats concerned. "How does that work? Where do I get a liver?"

"It's a transplant just like any other," Whale tries to explain. Killian looks to Emma for a better explanation.

"A part of your body is failing, and it needs to be replaced. They get a liver from a donor, and then they transplant it in you," Emma clears up. Killian nods his head, he's beginning to understand.

"A donor? If the donor can live without a liver, can't I?" he asks still very confused.

"No, Killian, the liver is taken from someone who is dead." Emma says.

"Actually a liver donor doesn't need to be-" Whale tries explain, but they talk over him.

"Dead?!" Killian begins to freak out, "Emma, love, I'm not taking a body part from a corps." Emma runs her fingers through his hair.

"Killian, it happens all the time. It will keep you alive."

"Emma's right transplants happen all the time," Whale assures him.

"Your magic love, you can heal me can't you?" Killian asks. His blue eyes piercing her.

"I've tried, I can't heal your liver. You need the transplant Killian. Trust me, this is what we need to do." Killian sits up in the hospital bed, and extends his arm and brushes it slowly down hers.

"If you believe its best love, then that's what we'll do," Killian agrees. Emma takes a sigh of relief. "So when can we get that new liver in me?" Killian asks turning to Whale.

"Well that's the tricky part," Whale sighs.

"What does that mean?" Emma asks worried.

"Well as you know Storybrooke is a small town, and last time I checked we don't have any brain dead bodies lying around."

"So what does that mean for Hook?" Emma asks impatiently.

"He needs to be brought to another hospital, one that has the ability to perform the transplant, and have a match."

"You guys can't search for matches from here?" Emma asks.

"This hospital doesn't have the ability to do a transplant. We don't have a donor, you need to go somewhere that does. The hospital has access to the UNOS database, but were more hacked into it than anything. They don't know we have access to the information, we can't get a liver from them, only find a match. As far as everyone else in the world is concerned this hospital doesn't even exist, none of Storybrooke does." Dr. Whale explains to them.

"So what are our options!?" Killian asks with frustration. He grunts as he lies back into the bed. Emma thinks about telling him to calm down, but decides that his frustration is justified, she's aggregated too.

"Your best option is to get you to a hospital outside of Maine. The best choice would be to go to one with a donor match to keep everything simple. I'll check the database for a match, then you should leave and get there as soon as you can. Admit yourself at that hospital Hook, and you will get the liver."

"Ok, we can do that," Emma tells him, "Thanks Whale."

"Just doing my job," He responds. "I'll be back in a couple of hours, hopefully with a match." He tells them.

"Thanks mate," Killian adds as Whale leaves the room. Killian turns to Emma, thinking she might need comfort, but to his surprise she doesn't seem too distraught. "You alright love?" has asks anyway.

"Yeah I'm ok, what about you?" She replies.

"Well the idea of someone swapping out my organ with one of a dead mans is a little disconcerting Swan," He says in a joking tone, even though what he said was true. The idea still seemed a little crazy to him. Emma smiles nervously.

"I know," She whispers, "but it happens all the time. You'll be fine," she assures him. He reaches out, and takes her hand in his.

"Why are you so calm?" He finally asks. She smiles, and sighs. She gets up from the chair beside the bed that she's sitting on, and scoots onto the bed. She lays the hand, that's not holding his, on his thigh.

"I'm just not that surprised that's all," she says with a slight smirk.

"Why not? Can you see the future now Swan?" He jokes. She rubs her hand up, and down his thigh.

"No, but it doesn't take a fortune teller to know that drinking rum for 300 years takes its toll on a body, specifically a liver" she explains.

"More like 200 love,"

"Oh sorry didn't mean to offend you." Emma jokes. She notices Killian isn't appreciating her sense of humor. "I know you're scared, but-"

"I'm not scared," Killian interrupts. Emma realizes what he's doing. Trying to deny his fear. Emma squeezes his hand.

"We've been through a lot worse, and survived. I'd rather you have a bum liver then to have your heart crushed" Emma reminds him. She taps the side of his leg, "move over," He does, and she snuggles up next to him in the bed.

"I love you," He whispers in Emma's ear. She rests her head gently on his chest making sure not to cause him any pain.
"I love you too Killian," She says back.

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