"Then... why are we here? So you can... ask me questions?" you guess hopefully.

He leans towards you, placing his mouth close to your ear. You can feel his warm breath lightly hitting the side of your face as he lets out a deep exhale.

"Silly girl; I'm here to destroy you."

Your eyes widen as he suddenly floats up into the air, his arms rising up to his sides. His hands start to turn bright red, and crippling panic sets in as balls of fire suddenly appear in his hands. The fireballs come hurtling towards you, and you let out a gasp before you jump to the side, falling to the ground as the fireballs explode in the ground beside you. You quickly hop back up to your feet, pulling out your gun and pointing it at him. Without hesitation you shoot your gun at him, once, twice, three times. He lets out a laugh as he holds out his hand, and the bullets come to a complete stop. He twirls a finger, and the bullets suddenly whizz towards you. You try to run out of the way, but you aren't fast enough; a cry of pain escapes your lips as one of the bullets lodges itself into your shoulder.

"That was easy," he notes as he floats back to the ground, landing directly in front of your kneeled position.

You gasp in shock as he reaches down and presses a gloved finger against the bullet hole in your shoulder. Blood starts to pour out even faster, and your grit your teeth in pain.

"Humans are so pathetic. You're not even putting up a fight. I could probably stomp you like a bug beneath my shoe..."

Just as he says that you violently shake your body, and are successfully able to wrench yourself free from his grasp. You jump backwards, grabbing your sword and raising your uninjured arm. You dash towards him, slashing your sword across his chest. He's able to dart out of the way just in time and smacks you across the face with his hand, which is holding a small knife. You cry out and momentarily grab your cheek, which now has a long gash across it, before running forward again with your sword. He dashes towards you, ducking underneath your sword before jumping forward and kicking you in the stomach. You fly backwards, your back roughly hitting a boulder as you fall to the ground. You let out a tiny yelp as he runs forward and reaches a hand down and grabs a chunk of your hair, pulling your face up to his. He was too fast for you, much too strong... You had never felt weaker in your whole life.

With his free hand he grabs the black mask covering his entire head, slowly pulling it off. Your eyes widen when you realize that he looks just like a clone of Sora and Roxas, only with jet-black hair and bright yellow eyes.

"How did you do it? How did you make a Nobody fall in love with you?!" he hisses, continuing to pull on your hair. "Did you seduce him? It would make sense, even those without hearts can feel lust."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stutter, blood starting to trickle into your mouth from the cut on your cheek.

"There has to be something about you, something that would make a Nobody risk it all just to be with a pathetic human..." he continues, twisting your head slightly as he leans closer to you.

"I'm not pathetic!" you exclaim, an arm flying up to your hair as he suddenly pulls on your hair so hard that it feels like it's about to rip out of your scalp.

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