'Just the Girl' was formerly 'Charmed by Summers'

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'Just the Girl' was formerly 'Charmed by Summers'

I change it knowing that the story suites this song from click five "Just the Girl"


Copyright 2013 by Starcy Richver.



Just the Girl ©2013 by: Starcy Richver

What would you make out of these 5 words?


Sure, it’s probably: MONEY, FAME & THE LADIES! Well not for Ean C. Cassity. He thinks the title itself is a CURSE! All caught up and tangled with paparazzi, swarming fans and embarrassing news. With one final blow, he managed to commit suicide to his social life and stick to being a normal person without any interference of the social media and PRESS on his life. He then runs off to the all-time summer Caribbean to get a new form of personality (sun-kissed skin and a brunette hair dye), but suspicion starts to grow on the ladies which leaves him to take off and head to the ‘Pearl of the Orient’ on the east: Philippines! There, he manages to buy a villa on an exclusive and private subdivision at the seaside next to the atypical cold-hearted philophobic Lauren Summers. Through a beach party, both crosses paths; for Miss Summers, she never intends to get attached with guys, once introduced never fraternize. But for Chrysler (a.k.a. Ean) he tends to make changes starting with that idiom of hers, taking a leap of fate just so he could prove every lass is under his charms.

Can Chrysler get the probability to know Lauren without him being pushed away so often? Could Lauren find out that this Chrysler is the ex-Gorgeous model living next door on an astounding villa? And most importantly, will time explain the quirkiness of Miss Summers’s behaviour towards guys?

‘Just the Girl’ is a novel about two people with secrets that somehow bind them to THE single catastrophe in the past that makes one’s sentimental issues become an Arctic of forgotten emotions.

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