Come Over

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"W-what?" Derek looked down at Callie, taken back by what she said. Love. That one word that can change anything. Acting on that word, can either leave you broken and alone, or with a lifelong partner.

"Nothing..." Callie whispered. She didn't want to repeat herself. She regretted it almost instantly, when she felt his body tense and his breathing hitch. She knew she probably messed up.

"I love you too," he whispered, his lips brushing against her earlobe. The tears poured from her eyes. She'd waited what seemed like forever to hear those words from him. She felt as if she'd been wrapped in a warm, home-like blanket of safety. She felt as if she had all of Derek, like nothing could possibly take away the moment or the bond between them. She held him close, never wanting to let go of him. In that moment, their souls were dancing, intertwining and forming into one.

The loud sound of an engine running came closer, and closer to them. Derek looked off into the distance, to see a tractor on it's way to the lane.

"Callie," he whispered frantically. She looked up at him.

"What?" She asked. She didn't know exactly why he looked so freaked out.

"We've gotta go. Get in the truck, now," he scooted towards the tailgate, and jumped down. He took Callie with him. She ran up to the passengers seat and hopped in, shutting the door behind her. Derek threw the blanket in the toolbox in the bed. He quickly got in the truck, and started it up. Just as he closed his door, she could hear the man in the tractor yelling at them both. Derek sped down the lane, hitting numerous potholes. Callie held on tightly to prevent smacking her head off the ceiling of the truck. After what seemed like forever, they finally reach the hard road. Derek drove towards the now visible city lights.

"I'll take you home, it's a bit late," Derek said, exasperated. He drove slowly as he made his way back into the city.

Derek took her home. She guided him, and he pulled off to the side. Callie sighed. She didn't really want to leave. Falling asleep with his arms around her small body sounded like something she really could have gone for at the moment. She turned her head to him, and gave him a weak smile.

"I had fun tonight," she said quietly. She reach out and took his hand. Bringing it to her lips, she left a kiss on the back. Derek smiled, and put his hand on her face. He caressed her cheek, and let his hand fall onto the glove compartment.

"I hope we can do this more often," he whispered. He leaned over, and planted a soft kiss on Callie's lips. She kissed back, feeling those sparks tingle through her. The kiss ended, much too quickly. But Callie knew it had to be that way. If they were seen, things would turn for the worst.

Callie unbuckled the seatbelt and opened the door. She slid out carefully, sure not to lose her footing. She turned her head and gave Derek a small smile. For some reason, or an obvious one, she hated to leave him. She wanted to jump back in and go with him. She wanted to walk into his home with him, and see what made up Derek Jett. She imagined his clothes laying scattered all over the floors, as a result of his rushed mornings. She imagined a torn apart bed, that he didn't bother to make because he knew he would only mess it up later that night. Papers spread across his coffee table. God. These thoughts left a light sensation in Callie's chest. Every little thing Derek did was just so perfect to her, and boy, was it strange.

"I'll see you later, Cal," he said. His voice was deep and raspy as the words spilled from his lips. Callie shivered, longing for those lips to be against her skin just once more.

"Yeah, later," Callie whispered. She swallowed hard, trying to conceal her mind running a mile a minute, and in a sense push away the outward expression of lustiness.

Derek smirked as Callie shut the door. She walked up to her apartment building, and made her way home, a smile stuck on her lips.

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