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That's exactly what Derek did. He hadn't been in school all week thus far, and it was Thursday. Callie knew exactly why he was absent, but she was still worried to no end. Would he come back for the field trip? She sure hoped so... She didn't know whether she should message him and see if he was alright, or let it go.

"Callie?" Arianna waved her hand in front of Callie's face.

"Huh? Oh, sorry," Callie shook her head and finished putting her things in her locker.

"Cal, is everything okay? Not to sound weird but you've been acting strange since Mr. Jett left," Arianna gave Callie a suspicious look.

"What? That's insane, Arianna. I don't know why you think he has anything to do with this. I'm just not feeling too well, think I might be coming down with something. I'm fine," Callie rolled her eyes and began to walk away.

"What about the party tomorrow?" Arianna followed Callie like a lost puppy. This was usual, but Callie was more than stressed out and now just wasn't the time.

"Yes, Arianna. I will be there. I have to go, I'll talk to you later," Callie walked away from her best friend. She wasn't angry with her, she just needed some time.

Callie went straight home, and to her bedroom. She didn't even feel like cooking dinner. She was just drained. All over a man. She couldn't understand how this could be so sudden. Just those couple kisses had changed everything.

Morning arrived quickly. Jess woke Callie up, as she had slept through her alarm. That wasn't normal for her, but all that she was going through left her exhausted. She got ready, and Jess drove her to school. Mr. Jett's truck wasn't in the parking lot. Callie's heart sank. He still had fifteen minutes to get there. If she had any luck left, any hope, he would show.

Callie boarded the bus for the trip. She was sure to take the seat right behind the ones reserved for chaperones. Mrs. West was sitting there with her clipboard taking names. Ten minutes later and still no sign of Mr. Jett. Mrs. West stood as Mr. Dents boarded. Callie listened in on their conversation.

"Hey Chris, have you heard anything on Derek? He was supposed to be here at seven. We're leaving in about five minutes. If he doesn't decide to show up we're going to need a chaperone," Mrs. West said quietly. Callie sighed. The fact of the matter was, Derek wasn't showing up. She put in her earbuds, and turned on her music. Time to shut out the world. She felt the bus start, and looked up to see the doors closing. But then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone run by her window. Callie wished it was Derek. She looked up at the bus doors, and saw the person coming in. That little ounce of faith in him was restored. There stood Derek Jett, looking disheveled and tired, but still there. He nodded at whatever the driver was telling him, and made his way to a seat. As soon as he turned around he saw Callie looking up at him with a weak smile. Both of them were tired, worn out. They had both been suffering after being left with Monday's narrow escape. Just by luck, he took the seat in front of her.

"Hi," he said out of breath. He internally broke a little, seeing the sad, tired look all over Callie's face. He could tell she was struggling, but so was he. He just didn't want to show it.

"Hey," Callie whispered. She looked at Derek with soft eyes. Just seeing him made her feel better.

"Are you... Okay?" He leaned against the bus window, trying to make the conversation seem as teacher-student as possible.

"A little better now than before. Why did you just vanish like that?" Callie shifted to a more comfortable position in her seat, and took out her remaining ear bud.

"Because... I needed time," Derek said with a sigh. A wave of sadness swept across his face, but he collected his tough posture as soon as it did.

"I don't understand, but at the same time I do. Did you want to be away from me?" She just stared at his messy hair. His hand there on the seat. It took all she had not to grab it, and kiss every knuckle. Every finger that was wrapped in her hair just four days ago.

"Listen, we'll talk later. When they're not around. I promise I won't leave you hanging again, okay?" He licked his lips, in effort to replenish the lost moisture. It was obvious he hasn't really bothered with his physical appearance in a few days.

"Yeah, yeah that's okay." Callie just slumped in her seat, and watched the passing buildings. She really didn't want to have to wait to talk to him. In fact, if she could, she would confess everything to him right then and there on that bus. She would kiss those deprived lips of his. But unfortunately that just wasn't an option. She couldn't kiss and tell with him. Nobody could know anything. The fact of the matter, was Derek's career was at risk, and so was Callie's graduation.

The bus pulled up to the parking lot of the museum. Derek stood with a clipboard. On the sheet of paper was the assigned groups. He began reading them off, assigning students to different teachers. Callie's name was never called, and if she understood correctly, Derek didn't have a group. Mr. Dents looked at the paper, and raised a brow. Callie sat in her seat, just hoping for what she wanted to happen, to actually happen.

"Okay students, you may exit the bus and go stand with your assigned group. Callie Morgan, you will be touring with me, since your name was not added to the roster ahead of time. Okay kids, have fun and stay safe," Derek yelled over the loud voices of the seniors. Callie could have blown up. From happiness of course. She was more than ecstatic. Her wishes were coming true.

All the other kids met with their groups and headed inside. Derek and Callie stayed behind, as he checked off attendance on his phone to send to the school. He finished what he was doing and turned to Callie.

"So, you ready?" He smiled at her, and she giggled.

"Yes!" She jumped a bit, overwhelmed by the pure excitement of being able to spend the day with Derek. The two walked off, ready to start their day together.

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