(17) Just Like Me

Start from the beginning

"Well yeah but since I'm from two species, my immune system clashed from the two different ones my parents had, so I only get some things from specific parents." She explained.

"For a three year old you are very smart." Ben remarked.

"Well I have to know this stuff... Or I could get really sick." She replied.

" Oh well...Don't worry... Here, have one chocolate and two... Um... Carrots?" Benjamin suggested.

"Yeah I guess that works." Mirabai smiled as she retrieved the treats.

"Benjamin?! We need backup!" Ben's walkie talkie called out. Mirabai paused her glazed treats and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Judy? Where are you?! I'll bring back up right-" the device fizzled and popped before the electricity in the building shut down completely.

Chief Bogo ran out as the lights dimmed. "What's going on?" Ben asked, "Judy and Nick need backup!"

"Someone put a signal blocker to all our devices and killed our power... Where are they?" His deep voice boomed, hurting Mirabai's sensitive rabbit ears.

"I didn't get the location sir."

"Henry's place..." Mirabai mumbled under her breath. Her sense of sight had quickly adjusted to the dark, like a fox's should and allowed her to see clearly.

She eyed the spare tools and grabbed a utility belt, stocking it with an unauthorised taser and tranquilliser.

She was so small, no one noticed her scamper out of the building through a window and run towards the location her parents were in need of help.

Henry's house was dark. The lights were off and no one seemed to be home. Of course Mirabai had seen her parents work enough to know that not everything is what it seems.

She found the door unlocked and avoided entering through. It had to be a trap. And sure enough, a blade came swinging through, missing Mirabai completely.

Hushed voices were echoing from inside but she could see that they weren't those of animals. The darkness was hiding yet another trap, a record player playing a recording of whispering voices.

Her ears picked up on sounds from behind the house, this time belonging to animals, she could hear a very faint breathing and mumbling.

Mirabai went on all fours before jumping the fence that separates the front of the house to the back, surprised to see a door in the ground which led to a bunker.

"Shut up or they will hear us!" A raspy voice called. Mirabai touched the lock that kept her away from inside.

She walked around behind the house into the garden, eyeing the clothes line.

In a bucket next to it were clothes hangers. Bingo.

Her father had told her many times how to pick a lock so that bunker was no difficult obstacle.

She twisted and bent the end of the coat hanger into a weird twisty shape before inserting it into the lock and jiggling it around.

Her heart was beating fast. Any second another goon of the person behind everything could return and catch her. Luckily for her, no one came.

The lock clicked open and she threw it aside, grasping the taser in her left paw while quietly opening the bunker doors.

It was dark yet again and she could see a mammal moving towards the light source.

She aimed the taser and took a lucky shot, surprised to hear the sound of fake struggles. She missed.

She could hear the paw steps sneak up the ladder. She pulled out the tranquilliser and loaded the little dart gun, aiming at the ladder.

As soon as the head of a rhino appeared, she took the shot and to her luck, watched as the guy fell unconscious and landed back on the bunker floor.

She quickly jumped in the hole and found a light switch, flickering it on to see Henry, a few other children and her parents, tied back to back.

Her mom had ear buds in her ears, disabling her from the power of sound and her father was blindfolded.

As soon as the lights were on, Judy gasped and stared at Mirabai. "MIRABAI!?" She mumbled under her gag. The three year old hopped over and untied them, releasing the others as well.

"Wait. Where is the backup?" Nick asked astounded.

"How come you didn't get chopped into pieces by the traps?" Judy asked.

"They are all back at the police station, the energy was cut and someone blocked all the signals. No one but me knew where you guys were." Mirabai exclaimed.

"So you didn't tell anyone?!" Nick exclaimed.

"We were running out of time." Mirabai pointed out.

"Oh Mommy is so proud! She managed to solve a case Nick! All by herself!" Judy hugged Mirabai tightly as Nick paw cuffed the offender.

"You're just like me when I was younger MeeBee, always wanting to help people!" Judy gushed.

"Don't forget like me- smart and clever at problem solving!" Nick added as they made their way up and out of the bunker, slowly dragging the heavy rhino up.

"Well I'm glad you guys are my parents..." Mirabai stated.

"And why is that MeeBee?" Nick asked curiously.

Mirabai grinned. "Otherwise I wouldn't be just like me."

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