Chapter 8 - Let the games begin!

Start from the beginning

My mom signed and I knew she would give in “very well Katherine, but if this does not work out you shall return home”

*End of Flashback*

‘Well mom seems to think you are not taking things seriously and is taking matters in her own hands, so whatever your doing “finding yourself” or whatever you better do it quick

“Shawn, where are you?’ I heard my mom call through the phone

“In here mom”

“Got to go bye”

He hung up before I had the change to say good-bye. What on earth is my mom doing?

I felt a soft hand on my back I wanted to melt in his arms. The electric sensation ran through my body, making my involuntary quiver

“Hey, you ok” His hot breath danced on my ear, a small moan slipped from my lips, which I quickly coughed to cover it up. I hope he didn’t hear that, I could felt my cheeks heating up.

“Yeah I’m fine, my brother just called and I guess I just really miss him”


“Where’s Brittani?”

“She had to go back to her class, and she said she meant someone else, so I guess I’m single again,” He said with a huge grin

“ Well we have had a long day, I guess we could go back home”

When we reached Jake’s home, he had to take care of some stuff so I wandered up the stairs to my room, and sat on my bed.

What am I doing here? I told my mom I wanted to go to school to discover who I am, yet here I am with a prince fooling around. I hope he never finds out, I can’t bear to see him hate me for lying to him. He’d probable run back to that girl Lily. That girl has no class, she flaunts herself all over him, and she has no self-respect.

I fell asleep plotting to get rid of Lily.

‘Mother you can’t do this to me” I woke to the sound of voices, whoever it was, was upset. Very upset

I rubbed my eyes, and crawled out of the bed, slowly opening my door, I make my way to the stairs. I bent down so that they could not see me, although they were downstairs. However, you can never be too careful.

“I should have know that this masquerade ball wasn’t just another ball,” Jake said angrily

“Jake, all the balls before was just simply to get to know the girls, but now you at the age to pick a wife and most importantly a future queen.”

My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now