Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅

Start from the beginning

I feel tears soaking my shirt and I rub his back "Hey hey buddy whats wrong?" I ask him. "I thought you forgot about me" he cries.

"I didn't forget about you buddy I'm so sorry I slept in. I promise we'll have so much fun today okay?" I tell him.

"Wyatt I need to talk to you." Hannah says. I nod my head and put Parker down. He clings to me so I crouch down "I'm gonna go talk to your mommy okay? Why don't you go play with your daddy." I say. He nods his head and walks over to James.

I follow Hannah outside. "Why did you give up your rights?" She asks "Wyatt you're so good to him." She says. I sigh and bite my lip "We were drunk. I didn't want your relationship with James to be ruined because of some pathetic fag. I don't have the money to support him. You guys do. I miss him every day God knows I do. I feel so connected to him. But I can't do anything now. I gave up my rights as his father." I say. She smiles sadly "you're going to be such a good father Wyatt." she tells me smiling softly.

Tears cloud my vision when I think about how my life after 25 years has turned out. She gives me a hug and I let the tears flow. "Whats wrong Wyatt?" I shake my head and continue to cry.

"Uncle Wyatt why are you crying?" I hear Parker say while tugging on my pant leg. I scoop him up and hug him tightly. "I'm not crying buddy I'm okay." I tell him and kiss his forehead.

We say goodbye to Hannah and James and head outside to my car. I put Parker in his car seat and I get into the driver's side.

"Park, movies or both?" I ask him. "BOTH!" He yells making me smile. "Which one first?" I ask

"Park!" He says excitedly. I smile and nod my head and drive to the nearest park. Once I'm there I find a parking spot.

I get out of the car and grab Parker. He jumps up and down excitedly. He grabs my hand and swings our hands as we walk to the park. Once we're there he runs to the slides and starts playing.

I walk over to the bench and watch Parker play and a half hour goes by and I feel a presence next to me and a voice that makes me body tremble in a bad way. "Mm Hello precious." he says.

"Get away from me." I say weakly. "But didn't you miss me" he says rubbing circle on my thighs. I push his hand away and he slaps me and grabs my crotch painfully make me cry out

"Uncle Wyatt Uncle Wyatt!" I hear Parker scream. I snap my head towards him. He frowns. "Are you okay?" I nod my head and look around wondering if I imagined it but the stinging in my cheek and crotch reminds me I didn't imagine it.

"Uncle Wyatt why are you sad?" He asks. "I'm not sad buddy" I say with a weak smile.

"You're a very bad liar" he tells me waggling his finger at me. I laugh "I'm just so happy to see you" I tell him and tickle his belly. He lets out a belly laugh that makes me smile.

He wipes the tears to from my eyes. "No more be sad okay?" He says. I nod my head "Yeah okay buddy" I tell him

"Do you want to eat?" He shakes his head "Movies!" He yells. I chuckle and nod. My head. We walk back to the car and I buckle him in. I drive to the movie theater and we walk to the ticket booth. "What do you want to see?" I ask him "JUNGLE BOOK" he screams I nod my head and pay for the tickets.

My phone rings and I see it's my boss Evan. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey how are you feeling?" He asks. "I"m fine" I swallow nervously.

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