sculpt me. | edited

169 1 13

I know this girl who is an artist, she's the greatest I've ever met.

She can shift natural things, and mess with her head, I told her to be careful.... I don't want her dead.

But she keeps on sculpting-- she skips all her meals. She makes her body into what she wants it to be, she's a determined artist, but not in the way you think she would be.

A razor is her paint brush, skipping meals is how she sculpts... She covers herself with makeup. She puts it on her thin skin. Never considering what might add up.

She take drugs for the pain, inside her brain.

They make her feel a little less insane.

She never was a normal artist, doctors and family members cried at her works. But I guess what they say is true...

Art is subjective, and even though you might see disgust, she sees herself beautiful because her mind is full of unbalanced chemicles.

But she's an artist nonetheless



              Just trying to raise awareness

poetry ;; typical_writersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora