i actually hated you. | edited

37 9 2

[Written by: Cassidy Trent/ Me]

"I love and hate you that's all I can say."


Don't say you love me because I know you don't.

You love what you see,
You see what you want.

I'm just nice to you, maybe because I don't want drama.

I don't want to feel emotions, sad, angry, hurt.

So I gather them inside me, and act put together.

But I'm not, and im not okay with you either.

I just don't want to be manipulated again, like some kind of toy.

I don't want to be that one person you talk to just cause your out of joy.

Talk to me cause you care.

I know you aren't there.

And this doesn't really flow at all.

Maybe it's because my thoughts are just one big blur.

I cant tell you how I feel, or write them in words, because how could I let you know, if I have no idea?

I'm mad, sad, guilty, seeking, and happy, all at once.

I just want to quit, it would be easier then to go through.

I don't want to sleep, but I don't want to wake up.

I want you to go away, but I seek your company.

I ignore you, then wonder if your okay.

I love and hate you, that's all I can say.

this poem sucks.

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