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I am what I am, but honestly, slapping a label on me sort of distorts who I actually am as a person.

Labeling things can be ironic, because the initial goal was to understand something or someone just by using one word.

The reason why it's ironic is because half the time labels come with untrue stereotypes, which people assume are true.

Which isn't exactly why I extremely despise labels. I despise them because I don't think we as humans need to understand everything and everyone. Slapping a label on something based off of little information does not mean you know exactly what it is or who they are.

Why do we need to use labels to understand people? And why do we constantly have to label EVERYTHING?!

We shouldn't, because most "labels" come to with stereotypes, so why are we feeding this stupid cycle?

When you label yourself some thing its like your practically verifying that you Fall upon a certain category of humans, when really, we are all more alike them we think we are.

Basically, we need to stop labeling because it doesn't help us understand anything better, which initially defeats the purpose... And why would you want to be labeled only to be stereotyped...

Ugh whatever. Leave your opinions

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