who has time to feel? | edited

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I have fears inside my brain, and fears of being drained.

I'm afraid I'll loose myself slowly, and turn to grey.

I'll get tired of the feelings inside my heart and the thoughts in my head,

so I bury them beneath me instead.

I'll shove the feelings down into the spaces between my heart, where I'll never have to feel those feelings anymore.

So I'll be numb, and act different way, because who has time to feel this way?

But then and again sometimes it's better to be sad, then to be blind.

I can't make up my mind.

It's like your running away from the anxiety, or maybe it's society?

...Creeping inside your thoughts, and you can't tell if it's the people continuously telling you how to live your life, or if it's you.

Are these my thought? Is this how I feel? Or am I fabricating it? Covering up the orgins of my opinions.

I've gotten to the point where I cannot fathom my thoughts anymore.

I've gotten to that point where I'm numb.

But numb people are the best people, at least we aren't the pretty lies.

I take the truth, and bury it away.

Who has time for feelings anyways?

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