Chapter Nineteen

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The first week back into this hell I've lost it twice, I've broken out of my cell and went on a rampage. Murdering everyone in sight, trying to reach those iron doors and slice his throat open. Every time guards surround me and bring me down with Kryptonite, I get dragged to my cell and they tighten security.

I yell out of my cell window, until my throat is raw for Superman. I never see his red cape in the sky or hear him breaking the sound barrier, only once did I see him through my window.


I stared out of the window until my eyes were sore, the sun was about to set and my hope was crushing. I heard a distant boom and my heart was pounding in my chest, hope filling my systems.

I spotted his red cape against the orange sky and a broken smile crawled to my lips, I tried to call out but all that came out was a rasp. I saw his blue eyes looking everywhere, worry written in them. Tears trailed down my face as he headed back towards the city, his head turning to look back once before flying away.

*End of Flashback*

I stare blank faced at the gray floor, the scientists poke and prod at me with their needles. His mismatched eyes watch from the doorway, a smirk carved into his face. I would growl at him if I wouldn't be put down for it, they treat me as a wild animal.

They peel back my skin and fill it with alien materials, more chips added in. They still don't know of the flames I carry, they will never get that satisfaction.

My hair stays black as night, my eyes still electric blue. My skin still pale as snow, I curse them everyday they continue tests.

More weeks pass by and I no longer call out of my window for Superman. I hear the scientists say they're almost finished, fear pours into my mind and I try to escape.

My feet almost reach the soft ground, but I get pulled back. I push against them as I want to feel the sun, to breathe the fresh air. I break down as I get thrown back into my cell, I curl up in a corner and I feel eyes watching me. Elliot stands behind the bars and watches, I ignore him and soon he leaves.

As the day nears, I feel something dark fill my mind. They've placed a chip in my brain without Elliot's approval, Luthor ordered them to do it for emergency.

They put me into a black suit, a electric blue cape hangs from my shoulders and a matching blue hood hangs over my face. A ear piece is placed in and Elliot's voice echoes over.

"Today's the big day, so don't pull something darling or else." He muses and I stare straight ahead as guards lead me towards a black SUV.

I get inside and as we head into town, I see the streets are empty. It seems like a ghost town, I sit between two guards. One of them Wyatt, he glares at me from the side and I keep my face a void of emotion.

We stop in front of the Daily Planet, Clark comes to mind and I feel sorrow creep in. The guards push me out and drive off, my boots echo in the emptiness. I take slow steps up and hear a far away booming sound, he's coming.

"Prepare yourself, make it quick and then it will be all over." Elliot puts in before going silent.

I look up towards the sky and see his cape billowing in the wind, his feet land gracious on the sidewalk. His eyes measure my face, sadness filling his gaze and his legs carry him forward.

"Azul, what happened to-." He asks but I stop him from continuing as I rush forward, my body moving without my control and slamming him down onto the pavement.

I internally scream at my body to stop, but the chip in my brain hums as it takes over. He turns his face up, his eyes gleaming with confusion.

"Azul, what are you doing." He calls and my body launches another attack at him.

He moves just before my fist connects with his jaw, his hands grabs my arms in a steel grip. His eyes digging into mine, looking for any sign of emotion. My eyes stay blank along with my face as my body tries to push against him.

"Stop, what have they done to you?" My foot connects with his shin and I push off of him, landing back on my feet. I hear Elliot's voice tell me to hurry up and finish this.

A Kryptonite blade comes out of my sleeve and his eyes widen at it, he takes a step back and I launch at him. He flies into the sky as I stab the air where he just was, he lands a good distance away. His eyebrows furrowed together, a crease formed in between them.

I fly at him with quick speed, he dodges my attacks and huffs with effort. I strike his arm and he hisses, blood leaks out and I cry inside myself as I try to stop. I break through the chip, my moves faltering and I fall to my knees.

"Kill me," I whisper as my head hangs down. The chip burns in my head as it hurries to take control.

"Azul-," he starts but I leap up and stab for his head. He dodges and pain floods my brain from the chip, I hiss as it kills me slowly.

"Azul, what's going on? What's happening," Elliot's voice rings over from the ear piece and I hear worry mix in with the words.

But I can't respond, my hands controlled by Luthor and I unleash myself at Clark. Cuts mark his face and arms, he doesn't fight back and takes it every time he gets hit. I see his face become tired, my moves still quick and precise.

I curse at Luthor, wishing he will suffer for this. An idea strikes my mind and I cry out with relief, I can stop this.

I force the chip down and it melts my brain as it tries to regain control, I reach out for my flames. They never expected blue flames to come blasting out of me, I burst into a fireball. Clark flies back and I drown in the flames, I feel Kryptonite grow under my skin and I cry out as I burn everything. The flames surge with a burning heat and they cover me, I feel the chips break under my skin and the one resting in my brain burns out.

I slump to the ground as the fire roars around me, I feel empty as it dies down.

Kryptonite shards gleam in the sun's light, my head aches as it lays against the stairs. I see Clark's feet stumble towards me, he lands on his knees in front of me as my eyes flutter.

"Azul," he croaks and I hear pain in his voice at the closeness of Kryptonite.

My eyes turn up to his face and I see tears slide down his face, his hand reaches towards me and he holds my face with his large hand.

"I-I'm so sorry Clark, looks like I've banged up your handsome face." I chuckle and cough up blood.

"Don't worry about it, Azul." He pulls my head into his lap, hissing as the shards get closer.

"Clark don't," I rasp and cough up more blood.

"I'm fine Azul, just let me hold you." He sniffs and his hand pets my hair.

Tears fill my eyes and spill onto the pavement, mixing in with the blood.

"Clark," I whisper as my eyelids start to shut.

"Azul," he echoes and tears fall onto my face.

"I wanted you to know, ever since the day we met. I started living not for myself, not for revenge on the madman, but for you. You sparked life inside me and I held it close inside, I just want you to know I love you and nobody could remove that." I croak and I feel his forehead rest against my own, his breath labored.

"I love you Azul, don't ever think I feel nothing less." He promised and I feel a light kiss placed on my forehead.

My eyes start to shut, I glimpse at the sun before taking my last breath. Clark's tears still wet on my face as the world turns cold.

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