Chapter Three

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Clark brings over our coffee and sets them down on the small round table. Today was the perfect day for coffee, a chill is in the air and it's raining outside. I hold my burning hot coffee in my hands and shiver as my hands warm up.

"Azul, I wanted you to come here so I could tell you something." Clark states and I look up at him.

"I've lost someone too, she was........everything to me. Someone broke into our home and killed her, I wasn't fast enough to get there. I couldn't save here and so she died," he proclaimed and I put my hand on top of his which makes his eyes shoot to my face.

"We can't save everyone Clark. This world isn't perfect, it's far from it. The best we can do is to remember them and try to think what they would want for us to do," I reasoned and he nodded.

I pull my hand back, but see he's gripping it as if it's the only thing holding him down. So I let him, his eyes hold a shadow over them and I can feel his pain. Neither of us could save the ones we loved.

The rain lightens up after awhile and I take that as our cue to leave.

"Clark, I've got to head to work or else I'll be late." I announce and he lets go of my hand. We both stand up and head to the subway, as the train nears my stop Clark puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you mind if we do this every morning," he whispers.

"Why not," I smirk and he gives a small smile.

So we go to the small coffee shop all week, on Friday I ask Clark if he wants to go to a new bar downtown and he excitingly replies with 'yes'.

I dig through my closet and try to piece together what to wear, I decide on a black skater dress, bright red heels, and my locket. On my way out I throw on a light gray coat, as I ride the elevator down I think maybe I overdressed or underdressed. When I step out I decide to forget about it since it's too late to change now, I hail a cab and tell them to head to the new bar downtown.

When I arrive I don't see Clark yet so I head in, inside the bar it seems futuristic and the lights overhead are a deep red. It's different from most bars in town, it's all ready pretty crowded. I put my coat on my chair and hear the music start to pick up in the background.

After a few minutes Clark shows up, his hair tussled and when he spots me a smile shines on his face.

"You look beautiful," he whispers and I blush.

"Thanks, you too handsome." I joke back and he smirks.

A waiter stops by and asks us what would we like to drink, I pick a cola with a splash of rum in it and Clark gets a beer. We discussed how our day went and how spring is finally rolling around, when the waiter comes back and gives us our drinks we make a toast.

"To our new friendship," Clark muses and raises his mug.

"To our new friendship," I echo and clink my glass against his.

After that we down our drinks, and I raise an eyebrow at Clark's completely empty mug. He smiles and scratches his neck.

"Another round then," I ask and he nods.

While we wait for our drinks, I feel a pair of eyes looking at me and turn around to see Lex Luthor standing there. A frown weaved onto his face, but when I look his way he smiles crookedly and signals for me to come to him with his finger. A chill wafts over me and he walks toward the bathrooms, still holding eye contact.

"Hey, you alright Azul. You look like you've seen a ghost," Clark asks, his worried tone sounding.

"Excuse me, I have to use the restroom." I mumble and walk towards where Luthor went.

When I walk into the back, a hand wraps around my waist and I feel his breath on my ear.

"So I see you've met our very own Clark Kent, his story so much like your own isn't it? His girlfriend murdered in their living room at exactly 3:47 p.m., oh her screams echoed through the house but her savored boyfriend was not quick enough. No he wasn't," he growls into my ear.

"You're mad, why must you do this." I hiss out and he laughs harshly behind me.

"Oh pretty bird, you'll learn soon enough. Soon enough," he hums and fades into the crowd.

I feel something sharp in my hand and see a green rock glowing softly, it makes my head ache and my muscles strain together. I throw it in the trash and walk back to the table.

Clark sits there, the table clenched in his hands. I sit down and his grip lessens on it.

"Anyways, back to drinking." I broke in and chugged my drink down along with the night.

The Madmen Who Follow; A Man of Steel Fanfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora