Chapter Seventeen

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In the morning all evidence of me being at the fire is gone, I hear Clark walk into the living room as I watch a spy movie. He sits down next to me, his arm resting on the couch behind my back. Sleep still shines from his eyes as he yawns.

"Good morning," I greet.

"Morning Azul," he echoes.

The movie turns into a big explosion and I see one of the main characters burn alive, I look away from it and out of the window instead. The sky is covered by heavy rain clouds and I sigh as it starts pouring down, Clark wraps his arm around me and I lean onto his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he strokes my hair, the gesture brings back memories and I smile faintly as I remember.

"I'm tired of the rain already," I grumble and he chuckles softly.

"Summer will be here soon, it won't rain as much then. We could even head out to Kansas then if you still want to," he rumbles and I nod.

"That would be lovely, do you think your mom would be alright with what I am or what I have." I ask as I stare down at my talons and he grabs my hand. He carefully avoids the talons and I feel his warm hand beneath mine.

"Of course, she did raise me after all." He muses and I laugh.

After a few minutes of silence, I feel my eyes slide shut.

Clark's hand still strokes my hair, I hear the rain hit the windows and a chill creeps in.

"Hey Azul," Clark whispers and I peek open an eye.

"Would you want to head to dinner after I get off of work," he asks and I shut my eye.

"Sure, why not. A dinner date would be nice," I muse and I can feel him smile.

"Meet me at Red's Retreat, I hear they have good steak." He inquires and I nod.

Soon he leaves for work, which brings my job back to mind. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm fired, I've been gone for centuries it feels like. I dig through my suitcase for my phone and find it wedged at the bottom, I pull it out and turn it on.

So many missed calls from Mr. Reed, I open my voicemail and listen to the most recent one.

"Azul, I don't know where the hell you have been. But you are fired, you've been gone for 4 months straight and that is unacceptable in any work place. Find yourself another job," he growls and hangs up.

I roll my eyes, I bet all the workers are now clawing over each other for their new promotion. I cross my ankles and stretch on the couch.

I guess I need another job, I should get one if I want more money. I'm almost empty in my bank account from that expensive hotel, I rub my forehead and get ready for the day.

I tighten my denim jacket around myself as the cold rain pounds down, my clear umbrella blocking out most of it. Black sunglasses block my eyes from everyone, black gloves hide my talons, and my locket hangs over my red tank-top. My converses step into puddle after puddle and I fix my black beanie as it slips down, the air around me filled with the smell of wet dog and I curse my sharp sense of smell.

I hiss as a passing cab splashes water onto my biker jeans, the crowd spreads out a little further around me at the sound.

A familiar face appears in the crowd, Elliot. His black hair nicely styled back, his face holds a five o'clock shadow. He weaves through the crowd with a quick pace, heading towards a huge skyscraper in the distance.

Lex Corp, my eyebrows raise and I follow after him.

He walks up the to the front desk and I listen in from outside.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment?" The front desk lady asks and I hear her clicking some things on her computer.

"Yes, with Mr. Luthor." Elliot confirms and my eyes narrow.

So he has a connection with Luthor does he? I lean against the wall, trying to act casual as people pass by.

"Ah, you're right on time Mr. Marro. Mr. Luthor is waiting for you up in his office," the lady hummed and I heard footsteps head away from the desk.

I'll save getting a job last on my list, I need to get closer. I look up at the building and sigh as I take in no footholds or ledges.

I guess I'll have to do this the hard way.

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