The North Pole

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"So... where are we off too?" Hiccup asked the young trader.

"A northbound island," Willow answered.

"To trade?"

"No, to stock up on goods and supplies."

Hiccup shot her a confused look.

"It's our base, dumbo!"

"Oh, right."

They continued flying until the sun began to peek over the horizon. It illuminated a small dot, an island very far away.

"Sorry, girl," Willow spoke to Marina, "Looks like we'll be flying a bit longer."

The Flightmare sighed, "Ah well. As long as I get to sleep when we arrive." Willow rubbed the ghostly blue dragon's jaw as they continued to fly.

Finally, after another six hours, they landed on a heavily forested island covered in snow.

"Welcome to our closest thing to home sweet home! The North Pole!"

"The North what now?" Hiccup asked as he dismounted Toothless.

"The North Pole. Now, this isn't actually the North Pole, that's a bit further north, but it is the closest island to it. We named our island after it."

"Okay, and what exactly is the North Pole?"

"Oh, right. It's another 'the world is round' theory. Never mind."

Hiccup nodded. He was pretty sure this girl was out of her mind. He decided to change the subject. "So, where is your base camp?"

"It's this way. Follow me."

Willow led them up hill through tall, thick pine trees until they reached a large clearing. It looked quite empty. In the middle was a round, clear pond, and against a giant bolder was a large dragon stable, with two large doors.

"Do you normally house visitors?" Hiccup commented.

"No. We do care for sick or injured dragons, though."

"It's kind of... empty," Toothless said, gazing at the stables.

"Ah, but there's where you're wrong," Marina told them. Willow mounted her dragon.

"Follow me, but go through the other stall."

"What?" Hiccup was thoroughly confused as the pair took flight. Just then, the left stable door began to open downward, like a drawbridge on a castle, and Willow and Marina swooped through. It closed back directly behind them.

"Okay. Um, bud?"

"They're crazy. Come on, we might as well try it."

Hiccup mounted his dragon and they took flight. Just like with Willow and Marina, the door began to open downwards, revealing another door opening the same way inside the stall.

Except it wasn't a door! It was the bolder! The face of the large rock the stable was built on was falling forward as well, revealing a long, dark, stone tunnel.

"Well, should we go?" Toothless asked.

"I don't know if we have much of a choice."

Toothless dove into the blackness of the tunnel. Hiccup looked behind them just in time to see the wall close. They were plunged into darkness.

"Uh, Toothless?"

"Already on it."

The Night Fury roared, sending a wall of sound out into the tunnel.

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