Chapter 13

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I awoke to the sound of an unleashing sword when I flipped open my eyes to see what's going on. Dustin stood up next to me, his sword reflected off the rising sun. "Don't move..." He murmured to me. I looked confused but my eyes grew wide, feeling suddenly terrified. I planted my elbows to the earth and twisted my body to the side. I heard soft growling and footsteps. I scanned the area, searching for any sudden movement. Right a moment later there was a ear splitting creak in the air, I flashed a glance at Dustin and to where the sound came from. It came from a tree, and I noticed long, sleek, deep claw marks that scared the bark. An unusual silence that edged it's way to view. I thought my heart was going to thump right out of my chest when I followed my eyes up to the now shaking tree branches. Wind came blundering down right on us, seeming strong enough for Dustin to fall. The wind made the trees shake, the ocean crash and swing around, made the grass now bowing before it, making any creature running for its life or hide in shelter. The incredibly strong force brought us pinned to the ground, useless for ourselves to even rise up to our knees. "What's going on!?" I asked Dustin, wondering to myself if he did anything dumb. He shook his head, "I don't know." He breathed out. The strong wind then steadied down as Dustin reached for his sword and took hold. He staggered up to his feet. I caught a flash of a streak of red. Suddenly the ground shook like an earthquake, rattling any object in its path. I shut my eyes tight, I screamed. What is happening!? Why so much destruction, chaos, horror entering my world. Or is it just beginning? I looked only in front of me as Dustin stood behind me, trying to find out the trouble. I saw the pebbles at the creek bank shivering and bouncing around. The streams waves, used to seem so gentle and calm, but now, they crashed into each other and formed many bubbles. I heard a roar streak across the sky and I whipped around and saw a red dragon, smoke oozing out of its nostrils and its wings spread out as it slowly slinked closer to Dustin. "Common!" He yelled, ready to fight. He rose his sword in the air, the red dragon now glowing white from forehead, spine, and to tail tip. He stretched out his jaws, a great white flame crackling in its throat. Flame! It seemed in slow motion, I staggered up to my feet and ran in between Flame and Dustin. "No!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the Forrest . I stood in front of Flame and Dustin's sword came streaming down. I let out my hand, feeling like that's all I could do now. Lastly, it seemed everything just froze.

(This is a song that would pretty much for this chapter, for me, it's would be Natalia singing about Flame, and how close they are. I just love it! I gotta watch! For now on, I'm putting music to fit the chapters. Im gunna put music on the chapters that are published, maybe u can see them!)

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