Chapter 15 - I just want to get to know you better

Start from the beginning

"and being away from each other killed the relationship?" I asked not wanting to know the real answer.

"No," He said looking towards me. "We had a lot of problems before I left, she liked to go out and party and I could go out sometimes but not every weekend." He started to caress my thigh trying to calm himself. "She cheated on me. I found out by one of my friends telling me and I ended things." He said and then turned to face me. he didn't like me telling that story, it was easy to read it in his face. No one should ever go through something like that.

"So your mom doesn't like me because she thinks I will cheat on you?" I asked and he shook his head at me. He was right, this was complicated.

"My mom doesn't know Filipe cheated on me." He said and started to bite his bottom lip.

"I don't get it," I said and it took Isco a few seconds before he spoke again. Telling me all of this was hard for him and I was ready to tell him to stop, but I wanted to know. I wanted to know what it was so I can get her on my side. I wanted to prove to Isco's mom that I will be nothing like Filipa.

"My mom and Filipa are friends, even after I ended things. She was the first serious girl I brought home and they both have a lot in common..." He said and I finally understood everything. Isco's mom will never like me, because I will never be Filipa.

"You mom thinks you'll get back together." I said and he just nodded at me. This whole thing keeps getting better and better

"She thinks Filipa is the right girl for me, that is her opinion not mine... I think you are the right girl for me..." He said and looked into my eyes wanting to let me know what he actually believed this. I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that he thinks I am the right girl for him when he continued to talk. "Ok, now back to Filipa..." He said and chuckled. "She's not the girl I used to know, and my mom doesn't want to accept that. Filipa always wanted to be a model and she wants to get back together with me because it will help her out with her career. I just find it hard to tell my mom all of this, She loves her, and I just don't want to take away one of her friends." He said and I was starting to get an idea of how his mind was working. He ran his hands through his hair and I could sense he felt better letting go of that frustration build up inside.

"I get it now, Isco." I said and put my hand on his back to comfort him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I can't believe you are still sitting here and not running out the door." He said with a half smile.

"I'm not running away this time." I said with a wide smile and kissing his forehead. "I ain't going away anytime soon," I said making him laugh. Isco pulled me into his arms and we just laid in our couch "really your family is better compared to mine." I said and then regretted ever bringing up my family.

"Tell me more about them." Isco said and I didn't even know where to start. I looked at the white ceiling and just wanted to go back just a few seconds and stop myself from mentioning my family.

"Well..." I said and closed my eyes. "My mom and dad were married for like 20 years, well till the day my dad came home drunk one day and told my mom that he didn't love her anymore." I was over this, but the story still brought tears to my eyes. "You know, like the were the worst example of a couple I could've ever had. To me they never truly loved each other. I think they forgot about the love they had for each other throughout the years." I said and started to trace circles on his chest. I didn't want to go on my story.

"So they go divorced?" Isco asked me and I nodded at him. "How are you feeling about that?"

"I've never been better. I was so sick of them fighting everyday, plus my dad was rarely there for me... it was normal but now I didn't have to hear them fight or see him. I didn't have to fight with him anymore or try to play nice. He was gone and we were all happy, my mom, my sister and I." I said and smiled at him because I was going to tell him my biggest insecurity and even though I hated saying those words out loud, Isco has to know how I feel. "I never believed in love..." I started to say and looked up at him. He was studying my face and waiting for me to continue. "I thought it was all made up because I never fell in love with anyone back home, but at the same time I loved reading about it." I said giggling to myself. "You made me believe in it, Isco. You know, this is just starting and I have these strong feelings for you and it scares me but I can't wait." I said and Isco looked deep into my eyes and it finally happened, we kissed.

It was everything I expected and more. My hand rested on his chest while his hand was under my chin lightly. His soft lips were against mine and it was exactly what I've been missing. He pulled away from me and my heart did a flip. We locked eyes and just smiled. I started to giggle and then rested my head on his chest, not wanting to talk and just be there with him in his arms.

"tell me a bit more about your sister..." Isco said and I shook my head against his chest.

It all started that one summer... ~*~ An Isco Alarcon Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now