He removed himself off of me and looked at me seriously.

"Well, when you love some so much and it's your first love at that.." He pauses, seeming to think about what he's going to say. "..you just want to love them emotionally, physically, and you just want to make sure you give them all you got." He starts to tear up and my heart begins to race. "I just want to make sure you're treated right. I can't prevent what Marie did to you, but I would like to give you all you need and all you want in order for you to feel happy and comfortable with me.. and even perhaps forget what happened." He wipes under his nose with the back of his hand while I start to tear up as well. "I just..."

I sit up from underneath him and take him into my arms.

"Shhh, Kevin it's okay." I say, rubbing his back, trying to calm him down. "I appreciate all you do for me. And I make sure I give you all I can because I know you need it too."

He moves his face from my shoulder to connect my forehead with his.

"Thank you, I... I really need it." He sniffles. "I've been lonely for such a long time, Eddward."

"Well, not anymore. I'm here for you." I say, reassuringly.

He tilts in his face and kisses me softly.

We then hear more yelling from outside which makes me jump.

"You okay?" Kevin asks me.

I chuckle at myself.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Kevin turns around and looks towards the window.

"We should probably see what's going on." He says and then sighs.

"Yeah, we definitely should. I'm worried."

"We'll continue this later," He says, poking me on the nose. "alright?"

I give him a smirk.

"Of course."

He nods his head at me before he gets up to get dressed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*10-15 minutes beforehand*

-Eddy P.O.V.-

Hard knocking from the front door shakes me out of my sleep. I open my eyes to see I fell asleep playing video games and eating cheese puffs. The TV was still on and I had crumbs all over me.

"Oh great, I look absolutely disgusting." I mumble to myself.

I heard more knocking at the door.

"Coming, coming." I yelled, standing up from my living room couch.

I brush off as many crumbs as I can and wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my black long sleeve knit shirt I had worn from the night before as I make my way to the door. I open it to see Nazz standing there, obviously upset.

"Eddy, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have ever left and worried you. There's so much you need to know and I couldn't work myself to tell you before because I was so ashamed of everything that has happened." She says to me fast and hysterically.

"Hold on, calm down. I just woke up and I need a moment to catch up." I say, rubbing my forehead.

"Natalie Ross!" I hear yelling from across the cul-de-sac "I've decided, I'm not letting you get off that easily. You deserve a proper punishment!"

Nazz turns her back towards me while I try to ration what in the hell is going on.

"Mother, leave me alone! You already kicked me out! What more could you possibly want?" Nazz yells back.

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now