*EDITED* Victorious: Brendon Urie Imagine ( P!ATD )

Start from the beginning

" Cam, hun, your girlfriend really wrote this? I've seen my 4 year old nephew write bet- " just then she noticed me sitting there.

I look up at Cams face and in all honesty, he looks like he's shitting bricks.

Without a word, I slam the glass on the counter roughly before walking in front of her and grabbing my songbook from her hands.

" I'm gone. "

And soon after I grabbed my belongings, and left, never looking back.

Flashback Over

It's been two weeks since then and I haven't done anything at all but eat on my parents couch and wallow in my own self - pity.

" Listen, You're like a sister to me
Y/N, and it kills me to see you like this. Get dressed cause we're going clubbing. " She said over the phone. Before I can protest she hangs up on me.

" How Rude. " I mumble to myself before I get up and start getting presentable.

Magical time skip:

" come on Y/N there has to be one person here that you find attractive. "

Sammi says motioning to the multiple men sitting at the counter around us. I just shrug my shoulders and take another shot of Jäger.

" I don't know Sammi, I just think it's too soon to get back into another relationship. "

She sighs, taking another sip of her drink when she looks over to the other side of the bar and freezes.

" Y/N! Don't look now but there's a very sexy guy checking you out right now. "

" What? Where? " I ask looking around the bar.

She slaps my arm roughly making me retract my arm quickly from its previous spot.

" Dude! I said don't look now! " she whisper yells to me angrily.

" And he's sitting on the left side of the bar. " she whispers, leaning closer to me.

I wait a few seconds before I turn and see an attractive guy around my age sitting at the bar drinking shots.

Brendon's POV:

You ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you're just not meant for a relationship and will forever be alone?

I glance around the club around me and see a bunch of couples being happy, making out on the dance floor. Their happiness making me groan in disgust.

Just then I see a beautiful girl sitting and talking to another girl, whom I assume is her friend.

I don't realize how long I've been staring at this girl until I see their friend look at me. I turn my head away quickly and take another shot.

Come on Brendon don't be a wimp and go ask her out.

I take another shot and stand up.

Here goes nothing I guess.

I start to walk over to the girl and their friend and sit down next to them. I peek at them through my peripheral vision and see the friend give the girl a devious smile.

" Be right back. "

The other girl says, quickly leaving me alone with the girl. After a few seconds of awkward silence.

" So what brings you to the bar tonight? "

I ask, taking a sip of my drink. She sighs quietly, taking a sip of her drink before continuing.

" I caught my boyfriend cheating on me while I was at work, so my friend forced me to come here to try and get over it. " she says bluntly.

" Well, I guess that makes the both of us. "

I say, leaning back a bit in my seat. She looks at me with a questioning look

" What happened? "

she asked turning a bit in her seat to look at me better. I let out a breath and continue.

" I came home from work and found a letter from my now ex, Kate, about how she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore. "

I say waving down the bartender for another shot.

" My names Brendon by the way. "
I say holding out my hand. She takes it and shakes it

" Y/N. "

she responds with a slight grin. We get to talking and realize we have a lot in common. Our taste in music, movies and stuff like that. Later I gave her my phone number and, the rest is a mystery.

A/N: Hope you guys like this imagine. If you have a request you can always PM me or comment down below. And I will see you guys some other time. Byeee

Band and Musician Imagines Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now