Scenario 14: Your Personal Servant

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This is basically the guys being maids-- *coughs* I mean butlers. Enjoy~


Riki: Good morning master! Rise and shine! I think you should start getting ready for today; you'll never know what mystery awaits you for this day. As your faithful butler, I am here to help you out with anything that you ask for~

You: Good morning Samuru! Ready for today? My dad said we're all going somewhere fancy today, and I'm so excited for it! You're coming with us, right?
Samuru: Yeah, sure.
You: Yaaay! You're the best butler ever! *hugs Samuru*
Samuru: Yeah, thanks.
You: Let's go get ready~
Samuru: *is always there wherever you go, helping out*

Novu: Good afternoon my beautiful master. It's now 2:05pm. Haven't you got enough sleep already?
You: Ugh. There is no such thing as too much sleep, butler! Carry me to the dining room!
Novu: Hahaha! Anything for you, master. What else do you want? Just go ahead and I'll be there for you~ *pats your head*
You: =//3//=

Rudy (Normal): Hello, young master! Always remember that you need anything, I am always here for you, okay?
Rudy (Possessed): I am Rudy Sumeragi, and this is my young master. I am here to serve you as long as you say. Dare to hurt my master and you shall get your head twisted at 180 degrees!

You: Basara!! I forgot my towel at my room! Can you please get it for me?
Basara: *sitting on the couch watching TV*
Basara: H-huh?! Is someone calling me?
You: Basara! Can you get my towel in my room?
Basara: Ugh, too lazy. Let me finish this one episode.
You: ...


Yuki: Good afternoon, young master! You are awfully up so late because of that all-night long project for school, correct? But no matter, because I have prepared you your favorite meals so you may replenish yourself! Enjoy yourself~
You: Fooooood... *Q*

Hugo: ROOOOOOAAAAARRRR!!! Rise and shine, my one and only master!! Today, you shall not be late like the last time! Be like a lion who's up early to get their prey more efficiently and more than what you expect. You shall be the next best person after your amazing butler-- me!

Derek: Tiger pat! Wakey wakey my little master! I heard you're going on a field trip with your schoolmates today at the zoo? That will be so awesome!! If you need any info about tigers, send me a text message and I will reply faster than the wind~!

Asuka: *enters your room fabulously* Ahh, my beautiful, beautiful master; not as beautiful as me though, but close enough because you are lucky to have me as your butler -- the one and only, the most beautiful Asuka Kami!!!
You: *is fixing yourself*
Asuka: Oh no no no! That won't make you beautiful, my dear! Ugh, grooming you is sooooo stressful sometimes; it makes my beauty fade away! But no matter, here I am to help you~ This won't make you as beautiful as me though, because you can never be as beautiful as me!!! I your butler, Asuka Kami, shall be the only most beautiful person in the world!!!
You: I'm not trying to be beautiful anyway...
Asuka: W-what?! Uh, I mean... That's marvelous! You can just brag people that you're that beautiful because you have me as your butler, yes? ;)
You: Sure...


Guess who's back writing scenarios!!

Me! :D

And it's pretty obvious that I've been watching too much Black Butler amirite? XD

Well, I wasn't really in the mood to write. I read through the recent comments, and I must say, maaaan one of them pissed me off SO MUCH that it came to the point that I wanted to delete this.

But that won't happen.

(PS: Not unless some people get into my nerves so much that I am forced to do so. You know who you are; I don't have to mention your name.)

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