Scenario 13: What's After Scenario 5 If It Didn't Go So Well?

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A/N: 13 is an unlucky number, so here is an unlucky day for our boys! Hahahaha! XD
(Author is beast mode at the moment lol)
If you don't know what scenario 5 is, go make a quick check so you will understand this chapter better :3


Riki: Mystery... I don't know why you'd break up with me, but I'm really sorry if I wasn't able to make you happy. I hope you find what you're looking for. ☺️

Samuru: ...okay.
Dravise: Wait, you don't care if the girl of your dreams has crushed your heart?
Samuru: Shut up Dravise, you're not helping...
Dravise: *teasing laugh* Ohh... 😏

Novu: Why?! Where did I go wrong?! What have I done?! Please, don't leave me! I'm so sorry and I'll do anything to make it back to you!! *kneels down*

Rudy (Normal): Ah... Okay, I'm sorry if I was not meant for you. I hope you'll be happier in the future, and I'm fine with that.
Rudy (Possessed): HA! Who needs her anyway?! Girlfriends just add up to my burden, and a hurdle to achieve my goals to becoming ruler of the world! So who cares if she broke up with me?! It's her fault that I gave her everything and she doesn't know how to be satisfied with what she had!

Basara: Okay, give me a legit reason to accept your partaway gift.
Girl: I found someone better.
Basara: Seems legit. Now get out of my sight!
Girl: *leaves*
Basara: *goes back to being lazy* Ahh, feels good to be a free man~

Hugo: B-b-but why?! I thought that we'd be exploring the wonders of lions and be together forever?!
Girl: I have a secret...
Hugo: ROOOOAAAARRR!!! A secret why you're breaking up!!! Tell me why?
Girl: .......I'm allergic to lions.
Hugo: O___O ALL THIS TIME AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?! *depressed* ...Who knew someone could be allergic to lions...

Derek: :(
(I can't think of anything, sorry 😂)

Yuki: I dearly apologize. Was my food not enough to sustain your happiness? What kind of girl doesn't like food? Weird...

Girl: *felt more brokenhearted than him, and ran away*

Asuka: Oh darling, how could you break up with someone like me? Didn't you know you're about to lose someone who was worthy of your attention. Gosh, I pity you! Oh well, I guess I was just too beautiful for you, and you're just jealous of it. I thought you were beautiful too, but now I see the truth. You are ugly like everyone else, and I'm not one of them because I'm special~ *wink*


Was planning to post this on the next Friday the 13th, but why wait that long if I could do it right now? HAHAHAHAHA.

I apologize for this scenario. I know it's a bit serious unlike the others, but hey. It's a scenario. Scenarios are supposed to be made of different emotions and atmospheres! XD

I plan to change the cover of this book soon. What do you think? :3

I hope y'all enjoyed my little comeback. I love you all! 😘

Cross Fight B-Daman Scenarios; [hiatus]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora