Diagon Alley, present.

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Disclaimer; I do not own Harry Potter.

Diagon Alley, present.

Eliza's P.O.V

I run my hand over the faded old WANTED poster outside of the long shut down ice-cream parlor. I peal the poster up so I can see my picture from the 20's. I laugh at my hair style, how was that fashionable? I had a random feather coming out of my hair which was tightly curled with a swinger’s beaded dress on. I smirked at the picture, god I looked awful!

"Who's that?" A voice asks me from behind.

I turn my head to see Draco; I smile and point to the picture then to myself. "Have I changed that much?"

Draco looks at me opened mouthed and eyes wide. "That’s you?"

I nod. "Yes from the good old 20's."

He smirks and pulls it from the wall rolling it up. "I'm keeping this for blackmail later on!"

I gasp and hit him on his arm. He cowards away. "Don't you dare?"

Draco smiles. "Try me." He turns and starts running up the alley to his Mother.

I laugh and shake my head. I put my hands in my pockets and start walking up the alley. It's changed at lot since the 40's, wait scratch that the summer of Harry's 3rd year. Many shops were now closed due to death eaters and other closed because of the owner had gone into hiding.

I sigh as I see each shop closed, every where seems dead until I hit the top of the alley and see a brightly done store. I smile when I see the words 'Weasleys' it must be the joke shop the twins spoke to me about opening. I start walking towards it to hear the store was full of laughs and giggles. Just what they wanted.

I sigh and walk into the shop to be welcomed by many colors and pranking ideas. I smile when I see a box of love potions surrounded with girls. I look around in amazement. Everything in the store was made by the twins, their own ideas.

I walked up the stairs towards the upper floor to see it was nearly empty compared to the main floor of the shop. I see some major pranking kits very much the same as the ones Fred and George had carried around with at school. I pick one up and look at it, remembering the days when I was at Hogwarts teaching and judging.

I feel two arms around my waist; I look up to see two identical people smiling at me.

"Hello Eliza!" They both say together smiling down to me.

I jump up, turn around and pull them into a hug. We end up in a mass group hug, all in fits of giggles. "Twins, I miss you guys!"

They nod and put there hands on my shoulder. "We understand why you've not been around with his... death."

I look down. "No guys, that’s not the reason I haven't been around. Anyways I see you've got the shop up!"

The laugh at me.

"Yeah!"-Fred says.

"All due to Harry's"-George

"Funding!" -Fred finishes.

I smile and shake my head. "Well I hope it goes well I've got to go. Take care you guys and I'm sorry."

They both raise eyebrows. "What do you mean?" George asks.

I hug them once more. "I can't tell you. But you'll know soon, I did it for the right reasons."

Before Fred or George could say anything I turn and leave the shop feeling tears running down my cheeks. I head towards Borgin and Burkes knowing Draco and his Mother will be heading there for items for his mission.

As I enter the store I see Draco showing Borgin his forearm, his mark no doubt. I enter and use my speed to appear next to Draco, Borgin doesn't seem bothered as he knows me after the years. But that’s another story.

Borgin leads us towards another room with a glass roof; I look up the glass roof whilst Borgin is talking to Draco about a vanishing cabinet. I see Fenrir standing next to a window raised more then the others, he keeps looking outside sniffing. I sigh and walk up to the same level as him then I hear three people’s voices speaking on a roof next to the store.

"What do you think they're doing?" Asks one. Its sounds like Hermione, oh god the golden trio are here.

"I don't know Hermione." Says Harry, I move never to the window getting a better range of hearing.

"Is that Eliza?" Asks Ron, or so I think.

"What the hell is she doing there? She's on our side isn't she?" Harry says.

Hermione sighs. Fenrir was getting more and more worried and kept sniffing the air and looking out of the window. Scared for the trio I move nearer to Fenrir which causes him to become nervous and move away.

I sigh and look out of the window, catching the end of what Hermione was saying.

"Eliza's a vampire Ron. Even if she is a friend they never take sides they just back up which ever one they want to at the time."

I smile knowing Hermione was right; vampires never pick a side they just jump on the band wagon. To try and conceal the fact the three were watching I walk close to the window and check one of the roof tops. I see Hermione and catch her eye. She looks scared but I send her a guilty smile, she looks confused but I brush that away.

I pull the blinds down on the window; this was to help both teams. The fact the trio wouldn't be found and taken away and Draco being a death eater.

"Something wrong?" Crackles a voice, Bellatrix.

I turn and put my most chilling smile on. "No, okay as it ever will."

A/N; heres you two chapters for today, I didn't find them any good personally but anyways! Comment, Vote, Fan do whatever you want! What do you think about Tom's and Eliza's relationship, whats going on there? I'll update Monday maybe but if your lucky even sat/sun! Anyhows comment what you think! :)

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