And where the hell I'm going to begin with that, I don't know. But the truth sounds like my best option at this point.

Why the hell am I always in this predicament?

Charlie's POV


My head hangs low, my eyes maintaining a steady, but impassive gaze on the tiled floor. I don't know what to think. I feel a hand running back and forth between my shoulder blades, but I can't bring myself to look at Harry, let alone hold a conversation with him.

"Charlie...I'm gonna be honest with you. I have no idea what the hell to say right now," he says. "But I'm just as floored as you are. And it's taking every ounce of strength to keep angry Harry from coming out."

I finally find the courage to look up at him. I know I look a hot ass mess; I can feel my eyes puffing up and my eyeliner is probably smudged all over my face. Little things in the grand scheme of things. "I'm just...Harry. I don't even it true-"

"Charlie...babe." Zayn is frantic as he leans down in front of me, grasping my hands in his. I don't fight his grasp on me, though I feel quite betrayed by him. "I'll explain everything...well, everything that I know. Let's just get out of here."

I finally do shake him off and meet his eyes. "Is it true, Zayn?" I ask him the question that I just voiced to Harry moments I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to, but I'll ask anyway. His eyes look sunken, and I see him swallow. "And don't lie to me- lord knows you've done enough of that already."

I'm pretty sure he flinches at my insult. But I'm just so mad right now, and that's on top of betrayed, confused and hurt. "Yeah it uh, it is." I feel my eyes well up again. "But I swear, my private investigator told me a few days ago. The day um, the day you told me you were pregnant."

"And you didn't think that maybe I'd like to know that I have a sister? That my fucking sister is Genevieve?" I'm conscious of a few people around me staring now because of my language, but I couldn't care less. I bet none of them just had a bomb dropped on them like this.

"Charlie, can we talk about this at home ple-"

I stand up. "No, Zayn. No we can't talk about this at home. I want to know everything and I want to know it now."

He sighs. "Listen, I know you do, but hear me out. I was gonna tell you everything. But now...honestly, I don't think I should be the one to tell it. I think...I think you need to ask...fuck, I think you need to ask your mum, cause I know you'll get shit out of Genevieve."

My mom? I thought...I thought she was a half sister, at best (or worst). Not...oh Jesus. Oh God, I feel faint. I hear Zayn speaking to me, but...I can't. "Jaan, you look pale..."

I swallow; home doesn't sound like the worst idea right about now. "Someone take me home please," I manage to whisper, but it's enough for Zayn as he damn near picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the courthouse and to the car.

But let it be known that I'm still pissed at him.


"Cherries. See train?" I blink at Adrian, becoming nauseous all over again. He holds a red train out in front of me with a small smile gracing his lips. I take in the small boy's features; he looks a lot like Genevieve- how the hell Zayn thought he looked like him, is beyond me, but okay. And since he looks like her...he looks like me, sort a small way. Frick, how didn't I see it before?

I offer him the best smile I can. "I see it, baby. You know what? That's my favorite train, too." He smiles even wider and hops onto the couch before crawling into my lap.

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