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           Eclipse was awake long before dawn broke over the plains. Wisp was still fast asleep, ears twitching from dreams. Her silver tail flicked in anticipation of the coming day's adventure.
              She raised her head, looking upwards at the white dragon that was snoozing in the rafters. A wisp of blue smoke drifted from her nostrils as she sighed. A massive yawn escaped her jaws, an azure-coloured ember dropped onto the oak floor. She snuffed it out with a fore-foot, as Nira had trained her to do.
                  The clunk of riding boots could be heard from outside, hitting the hard-packed dirt path that lead to the stable. Eclipse let out a low rumble towards Wisp, awakening the small Windracer. He tumbled out of his nest and on top of the larger dragon's head, clawed wings hooking silver horns. His tail brushed her nose, making her sneeze. She shook her head, tossing Wisp onto the ground.
          The stable door swung open, revealing Nira in the doorway. Eclipse swung her tail excitedly, eagerly awaiting her to open the gate. Wisp flew over the gate, landing before Nira with. His nostrils flared as he scented something in her bag.
           He climbed up her, claws hooking in her clothing. The dragon wasn't heavy, but was enough to send her staggering backwards.

"Calm down, calm down." She murmured, pulling a strip of chicken out of her bag.

              She tossed the piece of raw meat onto the ground, Wisp scrambling towards it with excitement. He swallowed it, then rushed back over for more.
               She motioned for him to wait for a moment, while she unlatched the gate of Eclipse's stable. The large silver dragon bounded out of the hold, running around in a circle before rolling around in the dust, like a giant dog.
               After letting out her excitement, she sat up on her hind legs, forelegs tucked up to her chest, wings plastered to her back in an attempt to show how well-behaved she was. Nira laughed, tossing a larger strip of meat towards her. She caught it in her jaws, swallowing it whole.
                Nira felt a sudden weight on her shoulder. It was Wisp's head, leaning on her shoulder.

"I'm out of chicken, Wisp. We'll have to hunt something when I get Eclipse's saddle on, okay?"

                  She grinned, scratching the dragon behind his ears. She grabbed Eclipse's white-leather reins, fitting them over her head. The dragon bent her long neck helpfully. Nira strode across the room, Eclipse following closely, to get her saddle. She pulled the heavy leather apparatus off of the gate of an empty stall, nearly dropping it, and slung it over her dragon's back.
Nira bent down, securing clips and tying knots. After double checking everything, they were ready to go. She climbed up onto the saddle, feet hanging loosely. Stirrups hindered the aerodynamic quality that dragons had naturally, and didn't allow her to grip on with her legs correctly.
They bolted out of the stable, Eclipse shutting the door with a flick of her tail. She ran along the ground for a moment, gaining speed, and eventually leaping into the air with a strong beat of her wings. They sped up easily once catching an updraft.
The skies were still dark, the horizon tinged with the gold of an approaching dawn. Eclipse flipped and barrel-rolled, warming up.
The sky grew slightly brighter by the minute, dawn creeping up on them quickly.
Wisp's ear twitched, nostrils flaring as she tracked unknown prey. Eclipse eagerly observed, hoping to catch whatever it was first. But the Windracer was a very skilled hunter, diving suddenly, before the larger dragon could even comprehend the movement.
He dove, a white flash shooting through the air as he rocketed towards an unsuspecting warren of rabbits. His claws hooked into the scruff of a brown rabbit, the rest of the group scattering off and into their burrows in fear.
Wisp glided upwards, joining Eclipse and Nira. He gleefully ate the rabbit mid-flight, gloating at the larger dragon.
Eclipse growled quietly, suddenly snapping a hind-leg from the rabbit. She swallowed it quickly, a bragging expression crossing her face.

Ahh, that was a really boring chapter. I promise that it'll be more interesting next part!

(OLD/DISCONTINUED) The Dragonriders of Calem Where stories live. Discover now