Chapter 1: Welcome Party

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Camila was sipping her cup of coffee out on the balcony, just overlooking a busy street and their university a few miles away. She was leaning over the railing, enjoying the fresh wind that breezed past her. She continues looking over nature until she feels a presence lean against the railing beside her. She tilted her head and smiled softly when it was only just Lauren, who still had drool on her chin. She giggled and caught Lauren's attention.

"Lo, you still have drool over your chin." She uses her right hand to reach over her girlfriend's chin and rub out the drool. Lauren leaned in to her touch, still tired since it's only six in the morning. She almost dozed off but woke up when she felt lips press against her cheeks. "Morning dork." Camila ran her thumb over her cheeks. Lauren leaned in more which made Camila giggle. "Lauren, you can't sleep here." she said in a stern voice. Lauren groaned and retracted her head from Camila's warm touch. She rubbed her eyes adorably, which Camila almost let out an 'awwww'. Lauren's just too adorable.

"Why are you up so early?" Lauren leaned over the railing. "From what I remember, you're not a morning person."

Camila went back to her previous position. She placed her empty cup on a glass table nearby. She looked at a mama bird feeding her babies. She smiled and remembered her parents. She looked back at Lauren and bit her lip. There's no use in lying. She was there.

"I had another nightmare."

Lauren reached over and intertwined their hands, squeezing it in comfort. "You okay?" she asked. Camila gives her a soft nod and smiled. "Yeah. I just didn't wanna go back to sleep." Although it was three years ago, it was still fresh in her mind. It haunted her to this day. Nightmares came to her in the most random times, no pattern or anything. She was pulling through it though because Lauren was and is always by her side. She smiles when she remembers Lauren being protective. She was brought out of her trance when she felt someone press their lips on her forehead. Lauren pulled her into a hug and rubbed circles on her back. "Don't worry Camz, I'm here."

"I know." Camila giggled.

They stayed like that for a few more moments. They were simply enjoying each other's company. Lauren nudged Camila slowly.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet? The smaller girl shook her head. Lauren laughed, "Well, I'll make us some breakfast then."


"Hey guys what're you gonna be wearing for the party?" Dinah asked as she sits on a chair and stabbed a fork through the pancakes and putting them on her plate. Camila looked up and tilted her head in confusion. "What party?"

"Harry is having a welcome party tonight. He told me to invite you guys." Dinah shrugged. Lauren looked up from her plate. "Wait. Is it the Harry guy that handed us our schedules?" Dinah laughed because of her friend's inability to remember anything significant of Harry. "Yeah, the hot guy with long wavy locks." Dinah fanned herself with her hand, as if it was hot in the room. Lauren saw Normani roll her eyes and stabbed her pancake rather harshly. She played with it, not entertained with the conversation. Lauren just brushed it off and tuned back in to Dinah who was talking about Harry and the party. "What do you think I should wear? Maybe my beige dress with my white blazer? Or maybe some short shorts and crop—"

"Dinah, I don't think anyone would care how you dress. This is college after all." Lauren saw how Normani shifter uncomfortably on her chair. She figured she was uncomfortable with all this Harry talk so why not stop it. "I guess you're right." Dinah said, a longing look on her eyes. Normani looked up at Lauren and gave the girl a thankful smile, which Lauren reciprocated.


"You sure this is it?"

The girls were standing in front of a door. Dinah chuckled. "If the loud music wasn't much of a clue then that sign that says 'Awesome Welcome Party' should be enough."

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