::Which Dorm Should I Choose?

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"Nobody panic.." I heard Paul's voice try to calm us down. Unfortunately, that wasn't too calming. I heard Jacqueline's shrill cry followed by Matt's loud 'ouch!' as he was right beside her.

"We're going to die, we're going to die.." Andrew muttered. I felt somebody hand touch my shoulder and I quickly swatted it away. "Hey, that hurt!"

"Okay, everybody panic, but it's just a blackout. The snow storm probably hit out the wires." I heard footsteps coming closer and suddenly, the large gust of wind blew me. I shivered violently due to it.

"Alright," Paul said, shutting the door. "Seems like the entire campus has no light, whatsoever. The heating's out and we have no phones. Does anyone want to check if they have service?"

I quickly pulled out my phone, causing the entire room to light up. "Nope," I said, realizing there were no bars. I doubt there would be anyways.

"Yup, I'm going to die," Natalie said. Her strict parents were definitely not going to let her go away with this. Not even Andrew's parents, who were the most laid back out of our group, was going to allow it to go unpunished. Even though it was totally not our fault, they'd twist it until it was. Stupid manipulating parents...

"I never understood why they didn't put windows here," Matt muttered under his breath. "Maybe we'd be able to see in this damn room."

"Relax. I'm going to see if there are any spare dorms for everyone to sleep in tonight. It's two weeks before the holidays, some kids have bound to have their early start already." Paul opened the laptop and waited for it to start up. Hey, the school's good for one thing. Sadly, that one thing couldn't be a backup heater.

The room was silent while we waited for Paul to find us the rooms. It felt like a hotel except most of them actually have enough light for us to see, heat, and good service. Brigand, on the other hand, had a blackout, freezing cold rooms, and one man to wait on us. Well, they both have beds, that's one similarity.

"This seems weird..." he mumbled to himself as he tapped away on the computer. He frowned when he didn't get the results he wanted.

"I think I know what's going on," he told us, turning the laptop into our direction. I stood up and we all took a step closer to follow where his finger was pointing. It was displayed like a database and practically everyone was highlighted green. "The green means they're leaving on Monday."

I scrunched my face. "So does that mean they're in their rooms or not?" I demanded. There was no way I was going to sleep on the floor today or any day for that matter.

"Yes they are. They were probably aware of this storm and decided not to leave for vacation until it settles down. Smart on their part, sucking for yours." Ah Paul, that one that's always looking on the bright side.

"I mean I'm assuming you'd want to stay with juniors like yourselves, right?" We nodded simultaneously. It's not like we were scared of the other grades; it's just that the thought of spending the night with a total stranger would be awkward.

"Well, I think I have an option," he said after two minutes of pressing the mouse on the computer. "Two boys in Cornwall don't have roommates and one in Sandswitch doesn't have one either. Those are it for the juniors though, so we might be able to make some arrangement and have those boys rooming with each other and you guys staying in the same room. And that goes for you girls too." 

I frowned at the idea of that. I didn't really want to be away from Matt and Andrew for the night. These guys were going to get themselves in trouble somehow and I wanted to be there when that happens. Besides, Jacqueline's going to sulk for the entire night and I don't want to hear her talking about how she wishes she was with Matt at that moment.

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