Our Prophet (SAW)

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There are like a million things about our Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w.) that I would love to write. I think I will need a completely another book for that but today I will share with you an incident of our Prophet's life that I recently came across and I was in tears by the end of it.

Aisha (ra) the wife of the Prophet (saw) shares with us a very personal moment in her life. She says "One day I was with Rasool Allah (saw) and he was in a cheerful mood so I said to him, ya Rasool Allah make dua for me" So he (saw) said "May Allah forgive Aisha" ( I don't really know how to write the exact arabic version so I am just writing the English part )

And he continued, O Allah forgive Aisha, all her sins, the past sins, the future sins, the ones that she commits in private and the ones that she commits in public.

And Aisha (ra) was so happy that she started to laugh so the Prophet (saw) asked her, "Did that dua please you?" She says "Ya Rasool Allah how could that not please anyone!"

He (saw) says, "BY ALLAH, that is the same dua I make for my ummah in every single one of my prayers!"

The Prophet (saw) made the same dua for you !

How much did the Prophet (saw) love us ? He would cry in front of the sahabas and he would say "I miss my brothers the ones that I love!" And they would say "Ya Rasool Allah aren't we your brothers ?"

He (saw) would say "No you are my companions but my brothers are the ones that would come after me and they would believe in me and they would have never seen me !

This is you brothers . The Prophet (saw) is crying because he misses you

He would stay the night praying to Allah crying out to Allah "My Ummah My Ummah !"

The Prophet (saw) is crying for you when was the last time you cried for the Prophet (saw) ?

The Prophet (saw) would give khutbah and he would lean on a tree as he would give the khutbah until they build him the membar. The following week when Rasool Allah was standing on this membar and giving the khutbah, the companions would say we heard the tree cry like a baby. The tree was crying like a baby because it missed Rasool Allah (saw).

If this tree which is not a living thing is not obligated to love Rasool Allah (saw) was crying because it missed Rasool Allah (saw). Are we not worthy to cry for missing him than this tree ?

The companions would sacrifice so much. When the Prophet (saw) passed away and Hazrat Bilal (ra) who would call the adhan could not do it anymore. And he would sit in the Prophet (saw)'s mosque and he would imagine looking at the house of Aisha (ra) where the grave of Prophet (saw) was. And he would imagine the Prophet (saw) walking and saying to him "Comfort us with it ya Bilal, make the adhan for prayer."

So Bilal (ra) could not stand living in the city of Medina without Rasool Allah (saw) every street, every corner, every rock and everything would remind him this is where the Prophet (saw) was. So he leaves the city as many companions did, going for jihad until many years later when Allah (swt) gave victory to the Muslims in Jerusalem and the sahaba would be reunited for the first time in so long since the death of Prophet (saw).

And they would see Bilal (ra) who had not given adhan for six years and they would say to him, make adhan for us just one last time.

And he would say , please I can't its too painful they would ask Umar (ra) please speak to him. Until Umar(ra) spoke to him and he agreed and so Bilal (ra) would get up to make this adhan the first time since the death of Prophet (saw).

And he would call the adhan the memories, the sweet times, the fragrance of Rasool Allah (saw) his warmth, his compassion would come back to the sahaba and they would all cry.

Could you imagine Umar (ra) cry like a little child and Bilal (ra) would struggle through the adhan until he would get to the part in the adhan
'I bear witness that Muhammad (saw) is the messenger of Allah' until he would break down and cry and he could not continue either.

Many years later when Bilal (ra) was on his deathbed dying and his wife would say to him "What sorrow!" And he would say "No, what happiness, what joy for tomorrow I would be with the one I love I would be with Muhammed (saw) !!"

How many of us cry for Rasool Allah (saw) ??

How many of us love the Prophet (saw) the way he should be loved ??

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