Change of plans

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Lexi's POV

I woke up around eleven and checked my phone to see a message from Jacob that reads.

"Good morning beautiful"

Aww just the message I would want when I wake up I wrote back

"Good morning baby"

Then I went an did my morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning people"

"Good morning" they responded

"I'm always the last one to wake up"

"You now noticing" Terrence said



This is why my nickname is Lexi my mom calls me Alexis so other people just say Lexi.





"Yes mom"

"we need you to babysit today"

"But I'm going to that party"

"Change of plans"

"...fine whatever who am I babysitting"



"That's na what I said"

"but you have six other sisters and they all have kids and most of them are young"

"I know but your aunt's they're going to the party and don't wanna carry the kids"

"That's like 30 children"

"Actually it's 27"

"Yea but one of them pregnant"

"Then that's about to be 28"

"No y'all never stop having babies so in a couple years it's gonna be 30"

"But rite now it's 27 so you can babysit them right"

"Do I have a choice"


"Then I guess so"

I had breakfast and went over to Roc's house. Why? I don't even know I just decided why not go over there. I got to his house and rang the bell.

"Good morning sweetie"

"Good morning are you Roc's mom?"

"Yes I am"

"um is he here"

"Yes he is come on in"

"Wow nice place you got"

"Thank are you Roc's girlfriend?"

"What? no no I'm not I'm just his friend Alicia"

"Oh your just really pretty I thought maybe you and him were together sorry"

"Thank you and it's okay"

"Well Roc is downstairs doing something I don't know what just go down here"

"Okay thank you" I smiled

"No problem dear"

His mom is nice now what is this boy doing in the basement. I walked down the stairs and saw Roc working out he was doing push-ups with no shirt on. Damn if he stand up and I see them abs I may just die.

Oh So Mindless (Mindless Behavior love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن