Your Who???

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Princes POV

I walked up to the roof and it was like a whole other place. I followed the sound of crying as I walked through the beautiful roof top. I finally saw her and walked to her and sat down next to her.

Prince: Lexi. what's wrong?

Lexi's POV

I turned my head saw Princeton and just wanted to cry more but I decided to stop crying and that I would stop thinking about Jacob for a while. But since Princeton was always around that wouldn't be so easy, they looked so much the same

Lexi: Nothing

Prince: No somethings wrong

Lexi: Its not really important

Prince: ... I know what's wrong and I'm sorry

Lexi: How do you know what's wrong

Prince: Dymon told me

Lexi: Oh but what are you sorry for?

Prince: leaving when we were little

Lexi: I don't even know you

Prince: I'm...Jacob Perez

Lexi: What?(whispering)

Prince: It's me...little afro.(that's what Lexi called him)

Lexi's POV

I started staring into space for a while then had two mental pictures of them side to side, and they looked exactly the same. I quickly stood up and walked away quickly while Princeton yelled my name. I went back to the lunch table and sat next to Johanna. 


Johanna: Are you okay?

Lexi: Yea I'm good.

Jenelle: Did you see Prince.


Jenelle: Hello Earth to Alicia.

Lexi: What oh yes I did.

Dymon: Do you feel better.

Lexi: Um. yea I guess

(bell rings...skipping to gym) 


Lexi's POV

Everyone went to change into a gym outfit and when we came out from the locker room we were wearing shorts and tank tops for gymWe all sat on the bleachers where the boys were waiting for the coaches assignments.

Prince: ya'll look good

Girls: thanks

Coach: everyone get into pairs of two.

We all paired up and my friends went with the band so I had to as well. The pairs were Princeton and me, Roc and Johanna, Ray Ray and Dymon, and Prod and Jenelle. We had to first do sit-ups. Prince kneeled on my feet as I did the workout.

Prince: Alicia I'm sorry I left

Lexi: I'm not mad

Prince: But you are sad why?

Lexi: Because you left not even letting me know where you were going or if you were coming back...we were the best of friends but I guess you didn't really care to even say goodbye

Prince: i'm sorry lexi

Lexi: (the bell rings) we'll talk later.

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