I Got Game

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Lexi's POV

I drove with Jacob home since he went with Ray and we went to his house.

"I'm soooooooooo bored"

"Lets go out"

"Go out where"

"Lets have alone time"

"We are alone"

"I meant in my room"

"Ok let's go"

We were about to go upstairs when the bell rang.

"Or not"

"Answer your door I bet it's Ray"

"Wassup Prince, Hey Lexi"

"Hey Ray,...and Roc, and Prod awesome more people"

"Waddup bros" Prince said as he dapped them"

They all went to the living room and turned on a game and started playing

"So much for being alone"

"Sorry not my fault" He said walking to the boys

"So what possessed y'all to come over here"

"boredom" they all said

"Okay then...oo I know this game and I also know I could beat all four of y'all"

"Impossible" Prod said

"Naw let her play we gon see who's gonna win" Ray said

"Who am I playing against first"

"Me" Prince said

"Piece of cake"

I took a controller and started the game, not long after it was over and I won by 6 more kills than him.

"Told ya"

"Okay me next Prince always loses" Ray said

Once again it took a little longer but I won the game by 5 kills.

"Really tho how you gon let her beat you Prod said gimme the controller" Prod said

And this time was a score of me winning by 3 kills but it was getting harder to keep up but I'm not letting the boys win.

"You've gotta be kidding me" Roc said "Y'all are seriously letting her beat you what a shame"

"You know what if you loose imma say the same thing to you because she's better than you think" Prod said

"Yea but no one beats me I'm a pro this is gonna be a quick easy game"

"That's what you think" Prince said

This game was longer than the other three and Roc is really good but right before the game was over I killed another two guys and Roc killed one so I won by a point.



"You've got to be kidding me" Prod said "Your seriously letting her beat you what a shame"

"Shut up Prod you couldn't beat her either"

"Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't got game"

"Naw you cheated no one beats me"

"Well I just did and I didn't cheat"

"Where you learned how to play this game"

"My brother has it and so does some of my cousins"

"But how did you beat me that's not right I was about to win"

"And then you didn't oh well Roc it's ok"

They all just sat quiet and thought about whatever goes on in their head so I just slowly left and was about to go home when I saw Mary and Mama Perez.

"Hello ma'am"

"Please Lexi call me mama"

"Okay mama hey Mary how are you" I said lifting her up

"Hi Lexi"

"Aww your so cute well I was just leaving bye mama bye Mary"

"Bye Lexi"

Roc's POV

Did that really just happen? Did Lexi just beat all of us? Damn she's really good wow.


"Wow what hey boys" mama Perez said

"Hey mama Perez" they all said

"Hey mom wow is that Alicia just beat all of us in this game"

"Okay so what's wrong"

"That is wrong she should have lost to us"

"Its possible that she can be better at you in certain things too that shouldn't be wrong"

"I guess so" Roc said

"Well I guess it's time to us to go home now anyway so bye" Ray said

"Bye" Prod and Roc said

"Bye" Prince and his mom said

Jacobs POV

I need to ask Lexi to prom already I just don't know when or home or what I'm just gonna ask from a woman's point of view.

"Mom how do I ask someone to prom and when would be a good time"



"You like her that's good"

"She's my girlfriend"

"And I'm only now knowing this I knew you liked her okay so get her roses and take her somewhere nice and ask her"

"That's it I could have thought of that"

"Oh and ask her before she says yes to someone else because people will ask her"

"Okay thanks mom"

"No problem son"

Roc's POV

I think I still like Briana and if what Alicia says is true well people can always change but I need to decide who I like more by prom which is next Saturday and then is graduation this semester is going by quickly an I have some choices to make.


Sorry this chapter is kinda short but please comment and vote. Secrets and shocking surprises will be revealed soon so look out for those.

Oh So Mindless (Mindless Behavior love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon