I know what you know

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Lexi's POV

I woke up did my hygiene stuff got dressed and made breakfast for everyone. I made my plate and ate breakfast while everyone was still asleep. It was early so I grabbed my bag and walked to school going up to the rooftop and enjoying the view. Then I got a call from Jacob.


"Hey baby"

"What ya doing"

"Eating what bout you"

"Wishing you were next to me"

"I can be next to you and I will be soon but you never at school early"

"I'm at school now"


"Yea I'm enjoying the view just relaxing for a while"

"Well I'm coming in like a minute where are you"

"On the roof where are you"

"In my car"

"You said you were eating breakfast"

"I was eating breakfast on the go it's dark out here"

"Because it's really early but I'll see you when you get here"

"Okay bye I love you"

"I love you to bye"

He got here a few minutes later and we sat together watching out at the sky as the sun rose.

"The view is beautiful"

"But my view is better"

I turned to him and we were face to face. He leaned in and kissed me then I kissed back deepening the kiss and he pulled me on his lap still kissing me as our tongues started to explore each others mouths them we slowly broke apart and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" he said

"I love you to"

We went downstairs to the lockers got our books and went back to my locker where everyone usually is because school was about to start.

"Alicia...school...early...that's a shock" Dymon said

"Shutup I can be at school early"

"Yea but your usually not" Jenelle said

"Give her some credit she was early today" Johanna said

"Yea gimme some credit"

"Okay you good today I guess" Dymon said

"Thank you"

"Yea you were here early and we were here later so now it's time to go to class" Prod said

"The bell didn't ring y-" gco bell rings "I stand corrected Okay I'll see y'all later"

"bye" Everyone except Johanna said

"Okay then let's go" Jojo said

"Oh today is Thursday I thought it was Friday I would've messed up my whole schedule"

"Yea you would've let's go"

Our first class was History I just went to the back, opened my book and went to sleep. Before I knew it the bell rang and I got up and left with Jojo.

"That class was boring"

"How would you know you was asleep"

"If it wasn't boring I wouldn't of slept"

Oh So Mindless (Mindless Behavior love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora