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Alicia's POV

I woke up did my daily hygiene threw on some clothes drank some orange juice and left for school. It was my last semester in school before I graduate and all the girls were talking about were this new boy band that was coming to our school for their last semester before graduating, but I didn't care I just wanted to leave school. (picture of outfit on the side)

Dy'mon: Hey bestie.

Alicia: Hey wassup.

Dy'mon: Mindless Behavior is coming to school today. (screams)

Alicia: Ok whatever

Dy'mon: Look I know u miss Jacob, but don't u think u should forget about him now and move on.

Alicia: I wish I could but I constantly think about where he could have gone and I've known him forever its hard to just kick someone out your life.

Dymon: I know it must be hard but just try to like them this last semester. Please.

Alicia: I'll try my best. (smiles)

Dymon: Much better (hears screaming) that must be them lets go see.

Alicia: I'm good I'll see u later.

Dymon: Ok see ya.

Oh So Mindless (Mindless Behavior love story)Where stories live. Discover now