Nodding, I decided to sit at the chair in front of my table. "Catalina's safe. She decided to shift to another college for her second year, farther than the one that she used to go to. But, I'll have Adri call her and talk about it when I tell the couple after work. Now, can we please go to the training room and shoot some targets?"

Alex stood up, walking towards me, and holding out his hand. "Come on then, Agent Alexander."

I took it. "With pleasure, Agent Ferris."

We ended up spending about three hours at the training room and then we decided to call in a meeting with Henry, Polly, and Edward, to discuss about the plan.

"So, I made plans already for tomorrow night, a date to get the paparazzi capturing us," I stated, observing each one of them. "And since you guys are going to be his bodyguards, I told him that you'll know where to go which is Pino's. I was also planning—"

"Lucky," Polly, with her bright blue eyes, rolled them at me. She was fixing up her blonde hair up in a ponytail when she said, "you get to act like a girlfriend around with the man who was voted as Hunk of the Year. I mean, did you guys really date?"

My brows furrowed. "Since when did our meetings become a gossip line?"

"Well, did you?" Henry asked the same thing, staring intently at me. "There's nothing wrong with answering a simple question. Besides, if we're all going to work with one another, we know that secrets won't make us work and will fuck us up. So, answer the question, Sam."

Scoffing, I looked to Alex for help but instead, he agreed, gesturing for me to tell them. Rolling my eyes like what Polly did, I nodded. "Yes, we dated in our senior high. It ended badly that's why I decided to knee him in the gut, which you probably figured out."

"Wow, a billionaire," Edward, soon, joined in. He was never much a talker except when we would work with him, but now, this was a different side. He's getting in on it. "I guess you now have regrets on not locking it down with him after high school huh?"

They snickered, as if I was the one who lost. Before I can even pass them a snide comment, Alex was already doing it for me. "You all have had your fun. Now, shut the fuck up because we all know that if one of us lose our shit, it's going to get ugly. Remember, the two of us have higher ranking than the three of you so fucking focus on the assignment—to protect Mr. Mason and catch Jason Stein."

No one said another word for a few minutes. The three of them merely stared down at the table, unable to look one of us in the eyes. I don't blame them; Alex could be frightening if he wanted to which is rare but when it involved me, there was nothing holding him back except for me. Of course, I don't let him fight my battles all the time. If I did, I wouldn't be in the same ranking as he was.

He was in this much longer than I did and Ruvée did agree that we would be partners but not right away. I had to be at the same ranking as him first, that way, there were no favorites and I would prove my worth to her. That meant that before him, I had dozens of partners at first, and it's either they would abuse me into making their lackey or I would have enough of them and start using my fists to talk. Constant situations like this led to Ruvée sending me to HR, and suspended a lot of times.

But eventually, I rose up, made sure not to punch the next guy who I was partnered with, and soon, I was surpassing them. I worked along for a little while before I was finally given the chance to work with Alex. It worked, and I was thankful for Ruvée for making me work for it.

"Look, let's just get through this day and plan everything we need for tomorrow because we don't really know how long we have to do this," I sighed. "Before the setup date tomorrow night, we have to do something for the free day. But before we do that, I'm going to need all of you to change each of your looks. We can't risk having people see your true faces."

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