We're All Mad Here

Start from the beginning

You frown as you glance around the room. You felt like a giant! There was a normal sized table and chair in the middle of the room, and everything else seemed to be rather small. There was barely enough room for all of you to stand comfortably.

"I think we're supposed to drink this," Roxas mutters, holding up a small bottle that says 'Drink Me'.

"What if it's poisonous?" you ask nervously.

"I've been here before – it isn't," Sora assures you.

"You've been here before?" you repeat as Yuffie takes a swig of the bottle and starts to shrink in size.

"Yeah... A few years ago, I defeated Maleficent and a guy named Ansem, after the Keyblade came to me. It all started when my, Riku, and Kairi's world was destroyed. I spent forever looking for them, and once Ansem was defeated, we joined SOLDIER and started fighting the Organization. It's been a long process, but – WAIT, don't step on him!"

Sora trails off and points anxiously towards the ground. You follow his gaze, doing a double take when you realize that a minuscule Zack, Noctis, Roxas, and Yuffie are all hanging out by your feet.

"How'd they get so small?!" you ask in awe.

Sora smiles as he tosses you the bottle.

"Drink this and find out," he tells you.

You roll your eyes before taking a sip of the liquid. It was almost sickeningly sweet, and your eyes widen when you realize that you're shrinking. You glance around once you've stopped, eyes still wide when you notice you're only a couple inches tall.

"What... the hell," you mutter quietly as Sora shrinks as well, suddenly standing beside you in all of his tiny glory.

"Welcome to Wonderland," Noctis says with a smirk as he leads the way to a hole in the wall that's the perfect size for you guys.

You could have sworn the doorknob that you walked past was snoring, but you were too distracted by the fact that you were now incredibly small to care. The six of you make your way through the hole, emerging at the entrance of a courtyard flanked by tall, green shrubs. You noticed that they were all perfectly trimmed. Ahead of you there was a gigantic throne, and a large woman wearing all red and black sitting on it.

"Who's that?" you ask quietly.

"The Queen of Hearts," Sora answers with narrowed eyes.

You take a step back as your group is suddenly surrounded by giant playing cards wielding large spears. All of their eyes seem to be focused on you.

"Arrest her!" you can hear the Queen call out.

"[Name]!" Zack calls out as you're suddenly grabbed by the nearest cards and dragged forward, towards the Queen's throne.

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