Chapter 23: Joining forces

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The Snake King sat on his throne as his snakes slithered around the castle generating power for him while he meditated.

Giritin materialized in front of the snake king with Bethany, his dragon, and the queen of Fairiosa before his body slumped against Bethany who picked him up into her arms.

"He said he'll be sleeping for a few hours," Bethany informed the snake king, "Teleporting exhausts his magic for a while."

"I told him to take the horse," The snake king sighed as he rose from his throne, "Why must he always overdo it?"

"It's his husband," The Queen interrupted, "Giritin bargained for my sons life, and now he has a limited time to give this heart back to Jay."

The snake king examined Prince Jay's heart that was protected in a magic shell that Giritin had conjured up himself, and a worried look spread across his face.

"If we got to battle with Drendecile, Giritin will need access to his full power," He warned.

"He will," Bethany replied, "What's the problem?"

"This shell he has created for his husband requires a great amount of power, more than he is capable of sparing when we're facing the King of Drendecile."

"Then we will deliver it before the battle," The Queen replied, "If you'd like I will take care of it myself. Giritin is needed much more on the battle front, and I have grown too old to engage in warfare."

"If that is your wish, you must tell Giritin yourself," The snake king replied, "But for now, we must give him a better place to sleep and rejuvenate. Lazario can show you the way."

They all lifted Giritin up several flights of stairs where the snakes led them to rest Giritin's cocooned body, and once they arrived, they all collapsed into bed with him.

The magic swirling around Giritin's body started to affect them, and slowly they all drifted off to sleep while their body's began to warp and change.

Giritin's dragon grew with each breath, slightly pushing everyone closer to the edge of the bed until it's large wings cradled them all into one big group as they slept comfortably to the sound of each other's breath.

Bethany's armor slowly began to activate to its full potential, her sword shaping itself to slay even the most prominent of creatures, and her eyes began to glow the same mark of gold as the chosen hero of Hedrin.

The queen of Fairiosa's nervous chills slowly began to subside, and in their place was an unbreakable spurt of courage that would never leave her body once it made its mark.

Giritin's bond with each individual strengthened him as a wizard, and improved his power while he rejuvenated all of them simultaneously in slumber.

The snake king was the last to join the dog pile they had created, not breaking his mediation as he curled up in the left wing of the dragon with Giritin. Lending his power to Giritin's the team slowly began to grow in power as they slept the night away with the collection of snakes warding off the coming dangers ahead.

It was going to be a much longer war than the King of Drendecile had wished.

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