Chapter 3: Sometimes a prince needs saving

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Giritin smashed through several cages that were filled with screaming children, and he used most of his power to provide them a path out of there.

The witch was screaming in displeasure at the bottom of the cave as each kid disappeared off her radar, and they followed Giritin's instructions, remaining on the path.

When Giritin finally reached the witch's layer, Prince Jay was already locked up in a new cage, its exterior covered in an irreversible poison.

"Give them back!" The witch roared, casting a deadly spell Giritin's way, and he blocked the black magic with a swish of his fingers.

"They are not yours to take," He declared weakly, his powers draining from the path he created, "Now give Jay back to me."

"You've gone mad if you think I'd just hand him over," The witch hissed, and she held her hands out in front of her.

"If you will not forfeit them to me, I'll drain you of every drop of power you have left," The witch threatened with an evil grin, "It will not be difficult for me to capture them again."

"You will do no such thing," Giritin hissed, tightening his grip on his staff, "My Prince will not allow it."

With a wave of his staff Giritin cast his final spell, and the witch built a protective barrier to protect herself.

The barrier did not suffer as much as a scratch before Giritin hit the ground weakly, his eyes begging to be shut so he could recharge.

"What did you do?" The witch asked angrily, and the barrier snapped beneath her power, "Answer me now!"

Giritin smiled cunningly as Prince Jay rose from his cage, and his eyes were as gray as the moon in the sky.

"It's my turn now witch," Prince Jay interrupted, and her sights immediately set on him.

"Do not waste my time beast," She hissed dismissively, "I will not be insulted by such a creature."

"Maybe I wasn't being clear," He replied with a stare that could kill, "Give me back my husband, or I will strike you down where you stand."

"Come and get him," The witch taunted, enveloping Giritin in a magic draining shell.

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