Chapter 20: The ogre king

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Ezekis wasn't the type that took rejection very well, in fact he didn't take it ever. The other ogres in his kingdom at least had the common sense to think twice before defying him, but Princess Clover was a whole other story. She was too stubborn for her own good.

It was for this very reason that Ezekis was much more irritable, and less forgiving than usual today, in fact he wasn't taking backlash from anybody very well, and he had already killed off a dozen of his own kind before he decided he needed to be alone for a while.

As he entered his own secret clutter pile, he found an old weapon he had forged out of dragon's teeth from the last war, and relished in the memory of digging his teeth through the dragon's bountiful meat as he tore it apart, limb from limb.

It was nothing like the distasteful quality of pigs meat and body parts of a cow that he had to rip from the hands of his followers, and he pitied how far he had fallen from the life of a king.

What was the use of gold when he couldn't be respected by men. What was the use in possessing the treasures of man, when he couldn't get such a creature to bow to his glory and might.

Ezekis had enough of playing around. If the princess wouldn't follow his orders, he would build a kingdom of his own where that blonde headed child would come running for his help, screaming for him to prevent the annihilation of her kingdom like she did in the dragon wars.

It was the perfect plan, and as Ezekis sat there in a bundle of his own filth, he realized that the spoiled brat wouldn't be coming back anytime for an alliance.

He needed to become the unattainable, only then would she fall to her knees before him once again.

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