Dear Nobody (Journal Entry 2)

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March 21, 2015

Dear Nobody,

A lot's happened since my last confession. And I know that last time we talked, I said a lot of extremely embarrassing, melodramatic things, and may or may not have acted like my entire world was ending, but it didn't. 


The thing is, at the time, the only reason why I was experiencing an internal armageddon was because I was involved with the son of satan

But that's not important anymore because he's not important anymore. Fact.

Anyway, I feel like I owe you a major apology, Nobody. I'll be the first to admit that I blatantly ditched you for a guy--which was completely uncool in hindsight. But, as my grandma Rita always says, dames before douchebags--and that's exactly what he was. 

Why? Because only a douchebag would intentionally choose not respond to any of my extremely personal journal entries sent directly to him.

But you know what? It's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Actually, things have been fan-freaking-tastic lately because I, Alex Summers, got into college this week. That's right, come September, I'll be stepping out into the big scary world of freshmen all on my own.

Turns out, summer flings gone wrong make excellent fodder for personal statements. Not that I named names, because that certain someone will never be named in any of my journal entries ever again, but the lovely people at UCLA clearly pitied me enough to let me into their Creative Writing program. 

My parents are ecstatic. Not because I'm leaving of course, but because they don't have to pay for a single cent of my education. My dad's wallet's been doing somersaults in his pocket ever since we got the acceptance letter. So basically, as long as I get semi-decent grades once classes start, I'll be set.

Step one of adulting complete.

Speaking of adulting, guess who's gonna have her own place when she moves out to California?

This girl.

Okay, that's sort of a lie. It's not entirely my place, but the fact that I get to share a space with someone who isn't my mom, dad, or he who will not be named, is pretty exciting.

And the fact that I'm eighteen and moving in with my no-longer-long-distance boyfriend is also pretty exciting.

By the way I have a boyfriend. Surprise!

The only problem is, nobody knows we're dating.

And, I kind of want to keep it that way.

My parents think I'm moving into student housing, which is half true.

I have a room on campus, I just don't have any plans to live there.

Obviously, I'll make it look like home sweet home incase of parental visits and drop-ins from Caleigh and Tanner.

But yeah, aside from you, and my future campus roommates, the truth behind my whole living situation is totally under wraps.

So is my relationship.

And I want it to stay that way.

I'm trusting you, Nobody.

Sometimes the best stories start with a secret.

And this one's mine to hide, and yours to keep.



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