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───ALICE WANTED THE HOLIDAYS TO LAST FOREVER, especially being in the company of the Wonderland Creatures and Mrs Synergy

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───ALICE WANTED THE HOLIDAYS TO LAST FOREVER, especially being in the company of the Wonderland Creatures and Mrs Synergy. Despite getting off to a rough start, it all turned around for the better as Alice and Mrs Synergy were on better terms. It seemed they were going to put more effort into understanding one another, whether it was learning how the wizarding world viewed things or how Wonderland really wasn't as bad as people tried to make it out to be. During the remaining days that she was home, Alice witnessed Mrs Synergy try to get along with all the Wonderlanders, or at least, not come across as uptight about things they were so accustomed to back in their world.

She had already lied about Hatter's presence, Mrs Synergy knew they were all going to have to take some precautions to keep the secret safe. Hatter was going to have to learn how to blend into the populations somewhat, so that they didn't raise suspicions, especially since he was staying in her company, along with the Doorknob.

The first attempt was to give the Mad Hatter a complete makeover, by tidying up his hair and giving him a set of robes to fit in. However, Hatter looked completely uncomfortable with what had been done to him, leaving them to come to an agreement. While Hatter was inside the home, he could dress as he pleased and keep his hair as untidy as he wanted, but if he had to accompany Mrs Synergy anywhere or if they had guests, he would have to change. That seemed doable, although not likeable Hatter was willing to do it, especially if it pleased Alice.

On the other hand, Doorknob had adjusted well to his new home, learning his limitations. He could move to any room within the home as he pleased, as long as there was a door present for him to occupy. And from that point on, until Alice returned to Hogwarts, no other creatures from Wonderland arrived or if they did, they did not make their presence known to Alice or the others.

The morning that Alice was due to leave to return to Hogwarts, Mr Rabbit and Cheshire were planning to return with her. Hatter was dressed in his "blending" attire, with his hair smoothed back and a rather uncomfortable expression on his face. Alice had to bite down on her tongue numerous times to keep herself from laughing because she knew it wasn't going to help the situation.

"If it counts for anything," she said as she approached him, " I think you look quite handsome like that."

Hatter stared at himself in the mirror, frowning at the plain status of the dark robes. "If handsome is a synonym for silly, then yes, I will accept that, Alice."

"I promise, it's really not that bad."

She thought she was offering words of comfort, but Hatter usually knew how to twist words and compliments into something different as if it was a special talent of his.

"By saying that it's not that bad, Alice, is implying that in some form it's bad."

It seemed he wasn't going to take comfort, no matter who said anything to reassure him that he looked fine. "It's not bad," she said, " it's just different that's all. I like it. You should relax, Mrs Synergy said it doesn't have to be permanent. As soon as I get on the train, you two will come back here and you can change."

ALICE ⟶ Percy WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now