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───THE WEASLEY TWINS kept their promises of showing Alice the right kind of trouble that she found to be enjoyable for the most part

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───THE WEASLEY TWINS kept their promises of showing Alice the right kind of trouble that she found to be enjoyable for the most part. The mischief behind the pranks brought her to laugh and smile more than ever since her return to her own world, however, she would admit that she wasn't the fondest of the detentions she had to serve. But she was able to serve them in good company as usually Fred, George, and Lee accompanied her. However, her splurge of trouble-making had found its way back to Mrs Synergy, who was not pleased about it at all.

The winter holidays had come up fast on Alice and before she knew it, she had found herself on the Hogwarts Express returning to Mrs Synergy's for the holidays. The older woman had collected Alice from the train station and Alice attempted to greet her, only to find herself involved in a lecture as they made their way home. There wasn't much that Mrs Synergy was pleased about, from Alice's troubling reputation to discovering that another Wonderland creature had arrived during Alice's time away.

Alice had been hoping to spend time with her guardian and hope to get along better with her, but it seemed they were still destined to butt heads as Mrs Synergy came to her own conclusion as to why Alice was not doing well.

"This is exactly why I wanted you to try and make some friend with some of the girls in your school, Alice," she sighed as the two were seated at the dining table, " they would be a good influence on you. Boys are nothing but trouble."

"I don't understand why them being boys makes a difference," Alice began with a shake of her head, only to have Mrs Synergy interject her opinion once more.

"Boys get into trouble far more often than girls so. They are loud and they play rough-"

Alice had heard enough before deciding to speak up again. "But that's not true for all boys, is it?" she countered. "So that would mean there are girls who are loud and play rough as well, correct? And if that's the case, it wouldn't make any sort of difference if I decided to surround myself with boys or girls, would it?"

Her voice carried the frustration that was also visible on her face, the two did not seem to see eye to eye with one another on the matter. Mrs Synergy seemed to be stuck between stereotypes while Alice had stubbornly already made up her mind that her guardian couldn't tell her who she could spend her time with. After all, she had been the one to tell Alice over and over to make friends and now that she had finally managed to do so, it seemed her choice of friends weren't good enough.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Mrs Synergy closed her eyes for a moment. "Alice, I just don't want you getting into trouble, especially at school-"

"But you told me that you wanted me to try and fit in with the other children," Alice argued, " and I am. Other children get into trouble, don't they? My friends told that children are supposed to get into trouble, that it is all apart of childhood and Mr Rabbit and Cheshire agree with them."

"Do they now?" Mrs Synergy glared over in the direction of the cat and rabbit that waved in her direction, paired with cheeky grins. "Alright, alright, look, I'm not upset that you got into trouble, and it's fine that you have boys as friends. However, that being said, I would like it if you didn't get into too much trouble, Alice. You don't want your professors to start seeing you as a problem child."

ALICE ⟶ Percy WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now