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─── AFTER THE TIMETABLES WERE PASSED OUT, Alice was pleasantly surprised to see that her first class would be with the head of her house

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─── AFTER THE TIMETABLES WERE PASSED OUT, Alice was pleasantly surprised to see that her first class would be with the head of her house. Professor Flitwick was the Charms professor and she was looking forward to actually learning proper magic. Seeing the difficulty she had face just trying to adjust a shirt for Mr Rabbit was more than enough motivation to encourage her to try her hardest. She needed to learn proper wand movements and the pronunciation of the incantations and who better to teach her?

She had actually met Professor Flitwick briefly when she had initially been found in the Forbidden Forest as he had been one of the few professors on the scene. So it was comforting to recognise a face and as he introduced himself to her and Lennon at the table, she was able to further witness his kind nature. Although he reminded them that he expected his students to be prompt and he expected it even more so from students of his own house.

Before breakfast was officially over, Alice decided it would be best to head to class early and Lennon offered to accompany her as well. Fred, George, and Lee had their own class with other Gryffindor students, leaving the other two to head out on their own, with the exception of Mr Rabbit following them behind. Much to Mr Rabbit's dismay though as he followed, his cute and fluffy self was attracting all sorts of unwanted attention and his daisy shirt was only making matters worse.  Students were passing him in the corridor and pointing out his wardrobe, while others attempted to pet him until Alice warned them that it was possible that he would bite.

To allow him to avoid further conflict, Alice lifted Mr Rabbit into her arms and placed him into her lap when she arrived at the Charms Classroom and took her seat beside Lennon. She was curious as to what they were going to learn that morning for their first class and the anticipation behind just the thought left her practically bouncing in her seat. Unfortunately, for Mr Rabbit, he couldn't come out and tell her to stop moving around so much.

Thankfully, Professor Flitwick didn't keep the students waiting as he entered the classroom and got things underway promptly. He welcomed all of them to Hogwarts and asked if any of them had any questions or needed any help navigating the castle to let him know after class and he would be more than willing to help. But once the last student took their seat in the back row, he started going over what he expected from all of them over the course of the year.

He briefly went over some of the Charms they would be learning and how they would be useful among their other classes, so it was important for all of them to pay attention.

And finally, it was time for the actual class to commence as Professor Flitwick introduced the first charm they would be learning. The Levitation charm, the incantation otherwise known as Wingardium Leviosa. As they read aloud in their textbooks, " The Levitation Charm is one of the first spells learnt by any young witch or wizard. With the charm, a witch or wizard can make things fly with the flick of a wand. The charm is an excellent test of your magical skills, and control and above all, patience."

ALICE ⟶ Percy WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now